Autumn Equinox and Mabon Rituals

Gratitude Dance with Rainbow & Apple Tree Devas in Avalon.

Gratitude Dance with Rainbow & Apple Tree Devas in Avalon.


This Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is exact at 6:54pm PDT on September 22nd and Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere is exact on September 23 at 11:54am in Australia.

At this special time, day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun. On The Wheel of the Year, this Holy Day in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated as Mabon (pronounced in many different ways May-bun, May-boon, May-bawn). Mabon is considered a time of the Great Mysteries. It is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, the Harvest, and the Spirit World. 

This is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether physically, emotionally, mentally or all the above).

This is a potent moment to honour the light and the shadow within your Womb, Heart & Mind. To honour the human part of you and the spirit part of you… the masculine and the feminine. For, to live fully Whole and integrated, we must embody both polarities. This is the power and alchemy of which all creation is based.

Allow yourself to be joy-filled, sorrowful, happy, frustrated and sad all at once. All of these emotions have deep wisdom, insight and lessons for you at this time when you inquire with curiosity and acceptance. Give reverence to yourself for how far and deep you have journeyed. Honour your pain, shadow, and challenges. Honour your pleasure, light and triumphs. And those of others. For every step of your path has led you to this moment now.

We offer thanks and honour to the Goddess as she moves from Mother to Crone, and to the Green Man of giving gratitude for the fortitude of the Sun, as we now reap the gifts and abundance, prosperity and fruitful ways of being.

May we welcome the power of this Holy Day in our personal lives and as the needed change for world. May we offer to one another the bounty of love in our hearts, and offer the gifts of respect, kindness, honour and peace to all those we come across. May we do what we can to contribute our energy in gratitude to the Earth, to the Spirit World and to all of humanity.


Symbolism and Attributes

The Second Harvest, The Mysteries, Equality and Balance.

  • Symbols: Wine, cornucopia, gourds, vines, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, dried seeds, and horns of plenty.

  • Herbs: Acorn, ferns, grains, myrrh, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, benzoin, and thistle.

  • Foods: Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, squash, potatoes, carrots, and onions.

  • Scents: Benzoin, myrrh, sage

  • Colours: Red, orange, maroon, rust, brown, gold

  • Goddesses: Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods: Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man.

  • Stones: Sapphire, lapis Lazuli, yellow agate


Ritual Suggestions

  • Activities: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the forest, scattering your offerings in harvested fields, offering libations & elixirs to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

  • Magick: Rituals and spells of protection, prosperity, harmony, balance, equality, gratitude, security, and self-confidence.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.


With Love, Achintya 


Mabon Love sale.jpg

In Celebration of the Equinox, from September 21 - 26, we are excited to offer 15% OFF ALL Yoni Crystal Eggs & Wands. Choose your egg or wand gemstone based on the desired experience you wish for your sacred womb space.

Embody your Womb Wisdom & Empower your Sexual Sovereignty!

Posted on September 21, 2018 .

Lughnasadh Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse


The Full Blood Moon is exact in Aquarius at 1:20 pm PDT on July 27th. And 1 minute later comes the Total Lunar Eclipse at 1:21 pm PDT. This is the longest Lunar Eclipse of the century!

It is also Lunar Lughnasadh, (pronounced Loog-NAS-ah), also known as Lammas. This High Holy Day on the Wheel of the Year, half way between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox, is a sacred Harvest Festival of Gratitude and Abundance (in the Gregorian calendar, it is honoured on August 2nd). The energy and celebration is alive through the weeks after the peak of this eclipse. 

As the intensity of the Eclipse is present, it is both seen in the electromagnetic field of the earth, and felt in the electromagnetic field of our own bodies. This is simultaneously a time of fruition, integration, reflection and release. Both celebration and completion energy are dancing within and all around us. We are personally, and therefore collectively clearing, out the old and making way to receive and Embody more light (aka love, awareness, consciousness) to enter. DNA upgrading is happening!

At this time of fruition, integration and reflection, take time to honour the seeds you've planted and celebrate this time of the first Harvest and your creative powers. 

This Full Moon is also known as the Blessing Moon or King's Moon.


Blessing Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Emperor

  • Herbs: honeysuckle, lemon balm, jasmine

  • Colors: green, ocean blues, coral

  • Stones: Ocean Jasper, Lepidolite, Aquarmarine

  • Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale

  • Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Sulis, Nephthys

  • Medicine: Peak of Summer; relaxed energy; preparing; dream-work; Lughnasadh


Lunar Lughnasadh Eclipse Ritual

Please set aside 30 minutes for this interactive Ritual Meditation. Is best done on the Earth, in Nature if possible, in your bare feet on the day of the eclipse. However, it can also be done the day before or after.

After the Ritual, you are welcome to join us in our Goddess Rising Sisterhood Facebook Group to share all that you are releasing, amplifying, celebrating and declaring.


More Eclipse Ritual Suggestions

  • Water Bearer Gratitude: List all the things you are grateful for in your life from this year in how you serve and share your gifts (truly acknowledge yourself), place this in the moonlight (outside or window) to attract more experiences to be grateful for. Then, write down all the things you are ready to release and either burn them or offer them to a body of water.

  • Empress Dance: Put on music you love and offer your heart through dance in devotion to how you wish to serve and express your gifts in the world.

  • Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams and visions in the full moon. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

  • Water Bearer Moon Bathe: Get into the magic of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions that you see for yourself and for the planet.

  • Gem Stone Activation Meditation: Place any of the above gemstones (after they have been charged in the moonlight) or ones you are currently working with, on your brow point/third eye either during the full moon or in the sun light to activate your visionary center of intuition and receive the messages that you are ready for. Breathe fully and deeply as you lie down and relax.

  • Journal Questions: What is an Empress? How does she serve? How can I embody the Archetype of Empress in my own life? What is a Water Bearer? How am I that? What am I ready to release so that I can serve more fully on my dharmic path? What gifts am I ready to shine?

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Visionary Water Bearer' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.


Self-Care Tips This Eclipse Season

(and to continue into August)

  • Drink extra water

  • Walk on the earth barefoot

  • Swim in living water (ocean, steam, river)

  • Take Baths with salt and clay

  • Practice alternate nostril breathing

  • Take extra naps and rest

  • Wear head coverings (hats or shawls) to keep your energy sealed within

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Love Achintya


Use Code: LIONSGATE888


Attributes inspired from DJ Conway.

Posted on July 25, 2018 .

Eclipse Portal Support

Art by Vocasiod

This New Moon in Cancer & Partial Solar Eclipse have come and now we are in the eclipse portal!

Over the next month we will experience 3 eclipses, July 12th was a Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon, July 27th is a Total Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon (longest of THE CENTURY) and finally, August 11th is another Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon, just after the Lion's Gate Portal of 8/8 opens.

If didn't already know, you can now see there is a LOT of celestial activity happening!! So... Why does this matter?

We are in for a POWER-FULL month of amplification, illumination, and transformation! Eclipses signify shifts, completions, endings, releasing and new beginnings, directions and openings. 

In our LIVE Sister Circle, we share more deeply about the significance of these current energies in the cosmos, how they relate to us on Earth and specific ways for how you can nourish, support and empower yourself (and loved ones) physically, emotionally, and psychically during this season of great transition.


Psychic Protection
Celestial Wisdom
Plant Ally Support
Grounding Acupressure
Nourishing Foods
Mineral / Crystal Allies
Soul Guidance

After watching you are invited to share in our Goddess Rising Sisterhood Facebook Group to express yourself! How are you feeling? What are you putting into place to support your sacred self during this time?

We welcome you to share with us the power and blessings that are alive for you. What are you claiming as your divine inheritance in this moment in time and space? What are you activating? What dreamseeds are you planting and what blessings are you imbuing upon them so they grow big and strong through this lunar cycle and beyond? 

As we collectively witness, celebrate and support each other in our truth, we RISE in awakening the legacy we are meant to birth here on Earth at this time! I look forward to hearing and seeing you there.

With Love,

Achintya Devi


Use Code: LIONSGATE888


What's In Stock?

Star Rose Quartz, Nephrite Jade & Rainbow Obsidian

Star Rose Quartz & Moonstone Quartz

It's our intention that these offerings be used during this Eclipse Season and upcoming Lion's Gate Portal to amplify and awaken your blessings! 

✨ Isis Activation Kit
7 Chakra Egyptian Anointing Oils
The Isis Essence & Instructional PDF
Anointing Ritual Activation Meditation Recording

✨ Isis & Osiris Anointing Oils Set
2 Anointing oils to activate sacred marriage to Self and Lover

Anointing Ritual Recording (with self or together)


13% OFF everything in the shop until July 24th!
Use code: LIONSGATE888 to receive your discount

Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 1.44.58 PM.png

We welcome you to join us July 20, 21, and 22nd for our Online Mary Magdalene Sisterhood Retreat! July 22nd is the Feast Day of Saint Mary Magdalene, who was officially given this honour by the Vatican on June 10th of 2016 as the "Apostle of All Apostles" after being cast off by the church for centuries.

One of the Keeper's of The Rose Code Lineage, Mary Magdalene's Presence is re-emerging strongly on the planet during this time of pivotal shift through our consciousness and guiding us in remembering our Feminine Womb Power, Erotic Innocence, Sacred Relationship, Service, Rapture, and Devotion.

You are invited! Whether you are new here or have been a part of the Goddess Rising Sisterhood in some way before we are honoured to share this space of devotion, magick, and sisterhood together.

Posted on July 13, 2018 .

Capricorn Strawberry Honey Moon

The Capricorn Full Moon is exact on June 27th at 9:53 pm PDT.

This Full Moon asks us to ground our deepest desires and dreams to the earth and live them now! For the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet. There is no more waiting. It is time for passionate activation! 

(This Moon is also known as the Honey Moon, Mead Moon, Mermaid Moon and the Full Rose Moon)

Original Artist Unknown. Art Edits by Achintya Devi

Original Artist Unknown. Art Edits by Achintya Devi


This Capricorn Moon portal reflects to us the need to make important choices in our lives in order to bring these deep dreams and desires forward. If you have been on the fence about something, it's time to act! Your body holds the wisdom and guidance for all your answers. Listen within and move in the direction that feels good in your heart, wombspace and intuition. Remember, the universe always rewards you for trusting your gut!

This powerful Full Moon glow amplifies your capacity to experience joy, pleasure and love in your body as sacred medicine. You are being invited now to do what makes you feel good without shame or guilt. The moon's energy supports you to shed self-imposed limitations and unleash your inner wild woman! It's time to celebrate! The earthy power of Capricorn magnetizes your creative passion and welcomes you to delight in the pleasures of all your senses!


Strawberry / Honey Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Moon

  • Herbs: Meadowsweet, Vervain, Parsley, Skullcap

  • Colors: Orange, Pink, Golden-green

  • Stones: Topaz, Agate, Fluorite, Pearl

  • Animals: Honey Bee, Butterfly, Frog, Peacock

  • Goddesses: Butterfly Maiden, Cerridwen, Ishtar

  • Medicine: Contentment, Celebration, Litha/Summer Solstice, Portal of light, Decision making, Strengthen and reward positive qualities of oneself


Ritual Suggestions

  • Sacred Desires & Sacred Release Journaling: What sacred desires of yours are being illuminated? What opens up pleasure, passion and joy in your life? What is standing between you and and that (patterns, thought forms, behaviors, limiting beliefs beliefs)? Burn this paper now for sacred release in a fire or with candles outside in the full moon light. You can Dance / speak / move / stomp it out. After this and you feel more space within you, write down and speak aloud to the moon how you now choose to commit and devote yourself to your dreams. How can you take action to receive support? And can you and trust in the divine timing of your dreams?

  • Honey Medicine: Eat a spoonful of honey in the moonlight, taste the sweetness of all of your life's blessings and recent accomplishments while feeling into trust, that all be provided for, for your life's dreams.

  • Passionate Heart: How does your heart want to be expressed/nurtured at this time? What would feel inspiring and delicious right now? Dance, yoga, cooking, sex? What can bring you out of your mind and into your body? Do that! And try it in the moonlight! When done with the intention, this celebration supports the magnification of your dreams.

  • Elemental Nourishment: Capricorn Moon is an ideal time for you to get in the Natural World and the Elements of Earth. Visit your favorite tree, park, river, ocean or lake etc... Let the wild and sacred medicine of nature seep into your body and your breath. Let the mind go and rest into Earth and practice the art of spaciousness by simply Being.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective. (See invitation below).

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Wild Moon Love, Achintya


 We Welcome You To Join Us!



Strawberry Full Moon, Wednesday, June 27 at 1:30 pm PDT



In this Full Moon Class & Sacred Practice, you will:

  • Receive Capricorn Moon Wisdom & Ground into the power Earthly Pleasures

  • Learn the 7 Sexual Gateways & how they affect your Sexual experiences

  • (re)Meet the Wild Woman Archetype and Invite her to Awaken in Your Body

  • Receive personal insight, healing & transformation

  • Express your heart and womb truth with sister shares (optional)

  • Have to time to ask any Questions about Priestesses Of The Moon

This is also an Open House for our upcoming Priestesses Of The Moon.  There will be time to ask questions and get a feel for this extraordinary Program and Sacred Self-Initiation. Registration CLOSES June 28th.


*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway

Posted on June 26, 2018 .

Sagittarius Full Moon

Pic of Achintya Devi & Joanna Ameya for Priestesses Of The Moon. Original by Mariana Schulze, Art Edits by Achintya.

Pic of Achintya Devi & Joanna Ameya for Priestesses Of The Moon. Original by Mariana Schulze, Art Edits by Achintya.


This Full Moon in Sagittarius takes place at 7:19 am PDT on May 29th. This is the first full moon since Uranus went into Taurus for this next 8 year cycle.

This Sagittarius full moon comes at a time of significant transition for the collective as we feel into our deepest dreams and ideals (the target), by activating our devotional embodiment practices (the arrow), held with the wisdom and truth in our hearts (the bow). 

Making clear and honest choices towards our greatest dreams is highlighted right now. The blue flame of the Sag moon invites us into deeper Presence so that we can explore important paths/options/choices to support our direction from our bodies intuitive guidance, rather than solely from the logical mind.  

This is also a time of celebration for all that is ripe in your life, whether this is related to an attitude of gratitude, completing a job well done or for embodying uplifting qualities, symbolized by the Honey Moon. Therefore, it is important to reward or honour yourself in some way and remain in a state of contentment. Go on and celebrate yourself and this amazing life!


Ritual Suggestions

  • Gratitude Speak: Speak aloud to the Full Moon, or write in your journal 11 things you are grateful for. If writing, place in the moonlight overnight. This practice brings to light more experiences for you to be grateful for. 

  • Dream Illumination & Sacred Release Journal: What dreams is your soul illuminating for you at this time? What sacred desires are being called into the light? What visions do you have for yourself? How can you clarify and amplify your dreams? Why are they meaningful and full of purpose? What is between you and your dreams? What is stopping you from living them (focusing on your own patterns, thought forms, behaviors, beliefs)? Burn this paper now for sacred release in a fire or with candles outside in the full moon light. Dance / speak/ move/ sound it out.  After this and you feel more space within you, write down and speak aloud to the moon how you now choose to commit and devote yourself to your dreams. How you can take action, receive support and rest into the divine timing of these dreams.

  • Devotional Heart: How does your heart want to be expressed/nurtured at this time? What embodiment practices inspire you right now? Dance, yoga, walking, chi gong, archery? Activities that bring you out of your mind and into your body are where it's at when done with the intention of celebrating and honouring yourself and your growing dreams. Trying doing them in the moonlight.

  • Elemental Nourishment: Sag Moon is an ideal time for you to get in the Natural World and the Elements. Visit your favorite tree, park, river, ocean or lake etc... Let the wild and sacred medicine of nature seep into your body and your breath. Let the mind go and rest into Earth and practice the art of spaciousness by simply Being. 

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Share with us what's coming forward for you at this Full Moon time in our Goddess Rising Sisterhood Facebook Group! What are you grate-full for? What blessings are you counting? What embodiment practices are you incorporating into your life at this time?

Registration is OPEN UNTIL June 7th

Empowered Loving Couples Course.png

My Beloved Partner, Shems Heartwell and I warmly invite you to an exquisite experience of igniting your conscious, sacred and erotic union.  Nourish your relationship with intimacy practices and explore the essential skills to expand your capacity to love and deepen in your connection.

We look forward to sharing a deeply transformational journey with you!

Online June 24 - August 12. Registration CLOSES June 7th

Posted on May 28, 2018 .