Lunar Beltane ~ Scorpio Full Moon


Fire Ritual at our Aphrodite Goddess Yoga Arts Gathering in Mexico this week. Photo by Melissa Robin.

This Full Moon in Scorpio takes place at 5:58pm PDT on April 29th.

Welcome to the Fire Festival of Lunar Beltane (northern hemisphere)! This High Holy Day on The Wheel of The Year (half way between Equinox and Solstice) is a time of celebrating your fertile dreams, body, and soul, springing forth into new life. Just as a flower blooms, in this Flowering Moon, you are being invited to honour yourself for all the ways in which you are already expanding and unfolding. Gratitude and Self-Love Rituals to nourish the body and mind are especially powerful right now. As the Moon is in Scorpio, this is also a time where the depths of your soul and psyche may emerge from the darkness into the Light of the Full Moon for you to shed and release, to experience revelations and powerful insight and to renew.

This is a time of celebrating sensual delight, as all rituals of pleasure are those offered from the Goddess. Now is a most auspicious window to consciously listen to how you wish to feel in your body and allow yourself to be guided into what pleasures you. Be sure to honour the power of passionate communion (with self or other) and give reverence for the gift of your sensuality. This is the power of Creation itself!


Flower Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Lovers
  • Herbs: Elder, Mint, Rose, Mugwort, Thyme
  • Colors: Green, Brown, Pink
  • Stones: Emerald, Malachite, Amber, Carnelian, Moonstone
  • Animals: Cats, Lynx, Leopard, Swan, Dove
  • Goddesses: Maia, Venus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Astarte
  • Moon Medicine: Creation, Love, Intuition, Divine Connection, Connection with Nature, Sexuality, Sensuality Beltane


Ritual Suggestions

  • Make Love to Life: Whether this means literally making love with intentional celebration of your creative forces and pleasure, or metaphorically, this is time to put your hearts desires into motion. Dance. Paint. Sing. Play music. Weave. Craft.
  • Vision Board: Take action to bring all your sacred visions to form with a vision board and place it under the moon light for blessed activation.
  • Fire Moon Ritual: Get into Nature. Take off your shoes. Breathe in the air and remember that your cycles mimic Her's. Give any of your limiting beliefs and fears to the Fire (either by building one, or with candles). With movement and voice, write them down and burn them. This is an act of purification and activation and a releasing of any heavy weight or burdens you may be carrying. Then welcome in and all the feelings inside of you that make you feel WONDERFUL and move in that direction. Literally. 
  • Moon Elixir: Combine mint/rose/tulsi/hibiscus/cinnamon tea with honey and you've got a simple and delicious fiery elixir. Place it in Full Moon light (you can even add a quartz crystal into your cup for added magic), drink in all that you are great-full for and sip in celebration of your feminine lunar essence.
  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.
  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Magick is afoot! Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Attributes adopted by DJ Conway.



15% OFF UNTIL 5/5


We are thrilled to share that we have Yoni Crystals in our Moon Shop available to you during this sacred Beltane portal to honour and celebrate fertility, love and joyful womb creations!

Every Yoni Egg Crystal comes with an organic pouch, our exclusive 33 Page Guide Book and Initiation Meditation.



Posted on April 28, 2018 .

Reclaiming Friday the 13th Love Spell


Ecstasis Divinitus and Blessed Friday the 13th! This day and night of the Goddess is honoured by Priestesses and Witches for its power and magick. I invite you to shed (if you haven't already) the patriarchal spell that was cast on Friday the 13th and spread as a day of bad luck and evil.

This is truly such an auspicious day! Did you know?

Any month’s 13th day will fall on a Friday if the month starts on a Sunday. Friday is the day of Venus (Viernes, Vendredi), the 'Goddess of Love' planet herself! 13 is a potent number of sacred mysteries in both of the dark and light attributes of the Goddess.

Significances of the Number 13

There are 13 Moon cycles in a year
13 degrees of movement inthe moon's passage
The ancient Lunar calendar had 13 months
A traditional coven has 13 members
13 Archetypes of the Goddess
13th Apostle was Mary Magdalene
In the Hebrew faith, age 13 is considered to be an adult
There are 13 cards of each suit in a deck of cards
and 13 Tones in the Mayan calendar


Friday the 13th is a particularly good time to cast a spell for love, healing, and prosperity.

You will need:
1 long red/pink ribbon or cord
1 red or pink candle
Rose oil

Be in a quiet place undisturbed (On the Earth if possible):

1. On Friday at the Venus hour (11am or 11pm if possible), call upon the Goddess of Love as Venus, Freja, Aphrodite or any other Goddess you feel resonant with. Light and burn your candle that has been anointed with rose oil. Envision in your mind's eye that which you wish to experience in relation to love or prosperity as you wrap your ribbon or cord around your right index finger.

2. Place your pointer finger (still with ribbon) on your forehead at your 3rd eye (a quarter inch between and above your eyebrows). Concentrate your focus to `see`your desired outcome for 3 minutes.

3. Intuitively ask of yourself and with the support of your chosen Goddess that whatever needs to fall away for this desired outcome to arise, be revealed with ease & grace. Give thanks to the Goddess.

Blessed Be!

~ Starting Next Week ~


Each month with Ritual, Mentorship, & Sisterhood you are guided by Goddess Wisdom and the Power of the Moon. Step into the Mystery. Harness the power of the Moon. Unveil the Truth of your Womb, Heart & Mind.

As a Global Sisterhood, we will be journeying with the Queen Codes of Maeve, Rhiannon, and Mary Magdalene.

*Registration CLOSES April 17th*


With Lunar Love, Achintya


Posted on April 12, 2018 .

Libra Pink Gaia Moon

The Libra Full Moon is exact on Saturday, March 31st at 5:37am PDT | 8:37am EDT.

At this time of Ostara / Easter / Esotre / Equinox window / this is a Full Moon of Resurrection. As above, so below. The energies of the full moon connect to Christ Consciousness (both feminine and masculine) with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua being deeply honoured. What truth, power and wisdom have you left behind or hidden away that is now ready to come into the light? What is resurrecting within you that will create balance in your life?

This Moon is known as the Pink Moon, which was named by Native American Tribes after the pink wildflowers which bloom in early spring, representing new beginnings. It is also called Gaia's Moon from the Farmer's Almanac, referring to all of Nature coming to life after winter. This is a time of celebrating all that has been released from last season and all that is now coming into bloom.

Full moons amplify our emotions and thus in this Full Moon, the emotions related to our partnerships and relationships is heightened. Remember to practice Self-love, have compassion for other, honour your boundaries and breathe deep.

Feel into the connection you have with yourself, with your heart, your dreams, partnerships, with your global family and with the Earth. What are you grateful for in these relationships? What lessons and insights do you bring with you from last season into this next cycle? What wishes to be amplified and what needs still needs to be composted, shifted, transformed?  How can you bring beauty to all situations and relationships? How can you accept and integrate both the light and the dark? 



  • Tarot: The Magician

  • Herbs: Basil, Chives, Dragon’s blood, Geranium

  • Colors: Crimson Red, Fushia & Gold

  • Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Rose quartz

  • Animals: Bear, Wolf, Hawk

  • Goddesses: Hathor, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast

  • Medicine: energy into creating and producing; change; self-reliance; tempering emotional flare-ups; receptivity



  • Authentic Inquiry Journaling: Bring your pen in hand to paper and let your heart answer these potent questions: What truth, power and wisdom have I left behind or hidden away that is now ready to come into the light? What is resurrecting within me that will create balance in my life?What relationship dynamics am I holding on to that may feel safe, but is truly not serving? What do I consciously choose to release and create with love? What am I changing? What am I celebrating? What is the deep unwavering truth of who I am? What do I truly desire? What is shaking loose within me? What does my soul/heart need right now?

  • Pink Everything: Create an altar space with pink flowers and crystals. Wear pink clothes & jewels. Eat pink fruits & veggies.

  • Rose Meditation: Visualize a rose glow around your body and opening rose petals at your womb space. Extend this pink glow to all your loved ones and the world for Beauty and Healing.

  • Make Love: To life, to your garden, to yourself, to your creative arts, to your Beloved, including but not limited to sex, infused with sensitivity, open-heartedness, and passion.

  • Remember: Put out your gemstones and jewels outside under the moonlight or in a window (in water if you can) for cleansing, renewal, and activation.

  • Commune: Gather is an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now is a time to be with the energy of the collective.


Howling in the full moon with you in the Rose Glow of LOVE!

Goddess Yoga Arts Aphrodite Gathering
Mexico April 21-26



Use code IAMOPENTOYUM to receive $100 OFF your ticket


Now is the last chance to join us for our Aphrodite Gathering! Ticket sales end on Friday. If you have felt held back by finances, this offer is for a partial tuition scholarship in exchange for some assistance in making sure our studio and gathering space is beautiful for all to enjoy for our daily offerings. If you are interested, please EMAIL US IMMEDIATELY telling us why you're desiring to join us in Mexico. We will follow up with more details when you apply by March 31st.

Ticket Sales CLOSE FRIDAY March 31st.

We hope to see you there!

The Sword & Chalice Avalon Sister Retreat
Glastonbury, England
New Moon, April 12 -14


From the well of my Heart, I am deeply honoured and joy-filled to welcome you to our 'Sword & Chalice' Retreat on the Holy Isle of Avalon, where the masculine and feminine unite in the living temple of the Goddess. 

There is profound alchemy culminating within our converging sisterhood to deepen into the Mysteries of the Sword & Chalice within you. Each woman is a mirror, bringing unique gifts, keys and reflections for the whole of our circle. In this mystical gathering, we shall follow the shimmering threads of Magick to reveal messages, insight, and activations unique for you. Our retreat is an offering to our Beloved Mother Goddess and serves to nourish you as a vessel of the Sacred and catalyze the next unfoldment of your Sovereign Power. 

This Retreat is for 20 women only. 

Registration is on a first come first serve basis.
Click below to learn more if this calls to your heart!

DJ Conway Attributes from above.

Posted on March 29, 2018 .

Virgo Seed Full Moon


We are just entering into the transition phase on the Wheel of the Year from one season towards another. If you are in the northern hemisphere, what do you take with you from winter's wisdom into spring? What do you leave behind? If you are in the southern hemisphere, what do you take with you from summer's joy into autumn? What do you leave behind? 

The Seed Full Moon in Virgo assists in releasing what no serves you and can align you with the High Priestess/Medicine Woman within, as Virgo is the Divine Feminine and the 'Virgin'. In this Full Moon, we are called again to illuminate Self Sovereignty. 

The word 'virgin' originally meant "whole unto oneself". What does it mean to be sovereign unto oneself? What does it feel like to be in our full power? At this full moon, we are asked to explore with a mystical lens (Pisces Sun) all the ways in which we give our power away and how we can reclaim it.  The moon reflects to us the importance of activating our inner discernment, wisdom and intuition to ground our visions and dreams to earth. This is to embody our Wise Woman/Sage/Priestess.

The portal is open for us to reclaim our power by taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and spoken words. At this time, we are summoned to the mindset/paradigm of choosing, creating and being accountable.

Step forth, dear one, to ask for what you need, express your heart with authenticity and celebrate the power of your emotions, wisdom, value and intuition. Now is the time to create and design your human experience from a grounded place of focused intention, service and beauty woven with mystery, the non-linear and the magical. There is great insight and healing when we pay attention to both our dreams and the signs right in front of us! 

This is our Moon Medicine. 



Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: Broom, Yellow dock, Irish moss
Colors: Pale/Light Green, Red-violet
Stones: Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Fluorite
Animals: Cougar, Hedgehog, Boar
Goddesses: Astarte, Ostara, Minerva, Luna, Artemis
Medicine: Burst of new energy, Growing, Exploring, Learning, Inner child work, New beginnings, Balance of light and dark, Ostara, Vernal Equinox



  • Embrace The Heart: This can be a very intense part of the lunar cycle. Be patient with all the emotions you are feeling at this time. Breathe into them. Give them a safe resting place and a healthy funnel of expression. Be gentle with yourself.

  • Seva: Practice selfless service by doing something for someone else (maybe even a stranger) that would brighten their day.

  • Express Yourself: Whether through voice or movement, sing, speak and move from a place of your authentic heart to engage with the current expression of your own body & soul.

  • Gratitude: Now is a beautiful time to reach out and share with others what you are most grateful for about them. Gratitude can also be expressed to oneself and to the Great Mystery with reverence for all our blessings at this time.

  • Intentional Design: Take the reins of your schedule and create some order. Design or arrange your home space to represent your essence.

  • Moon Prayers: With the full moon light, write down or speak your prayers for yourself, loved ones and the planet. The full radiant moon amplifies your word.

  • Moon Priestess: Make time for quiet and stillness as the moon rises. Meditate in the full moon light and open yourself receive intuitive guidance and support.

  • Reclaim Self Sovereignty: In your journal, write down out all the ways that you are currently blaming outside circumstances or people for your own discomfort or unhappiness. Take personal accountability by writing down all the choices, attitudes and actions (including non-action) that are keeping you from living your full potential. Write down all that you are ready to release and all that you are calling forth for your present life to move forward aligned to your heart desires and to get your own needs met. Commit to two action steps to make this real for yourself. Now then, get to it. Welcome to Self Sovereignty.

  • Speak In First Person: Practice speaking from your own personal experience, beginning with 'I', instead of saying 'you'. Example: Instead of saying, "When you went into the ocean, you could hear the whales," you would say, "When I went into the ocean, I could hear the whales." This draws energy back into yourself, creates more power in your speech and opens clarity in your body intelligence.

  • Organize & Release To Beautify: Let go of physical objects that are not supporting your joy. Declutter. Clean. Organize your home space (in and out). This moving of energy supports clearing and cleansing on all levels and welcomes the full moon Light to activate you and your loved ones.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation.

  • Commune: Gather is an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now is a time to be with the energy of the collective.


Join Us for a 3-part Aphrodite Activation Webinar Series!


As we come closer to our Goddess Yoga Arts Gathering in Mexico this April, we are inspired to share with you a 3 Part Webinar Series to Activate the embodied wisdom of Aphrodite within you. Within our Global Sisterhood!

Join Sofiah for the first Webinar of the APHRODITE Activation Webinar Series! As a woman alive at this time, you are blessed with the freedom and responsibility to share your gifts with the world. Calling in the power of the Full Moon, we welcome you to bring your dreams to life and birth your most brilliant self! Part 2 and 3 with be from Sianna Sherman and myself.


~ Goddess Yoga Arts Gathering ~
 Sister Special save $250


If you know you want to join us for the upcoming Goddess Yoga Arts Gathering happening April 21 - 26, and wish to save your space, a loving reminder that you and a friend can both save $250 if you both register by March 8th! 

How it works: buy your ticket with a sister (or as many friends as you like) between now and March 8th and you ALL receive $250 OFF. Simply reply to this email with your name and all the women you are registering with and we will give you the code to sign up with your discount. Super simple! Any questions just reply to this email.


Posted on February 27, 2018 .

High Priestess Lioness Full Moon Eclipse


Art by Sister Isabel Mariposa Galactica 

This Leo Full Moon blesses us with her fiery energy on Jan. 31st at 5:27am PST | 8:27am EST. A few minutes later at 5:31am PST | 8:31am EST the Lunar Eclipse is exact. 

With this being a lunar eclipse, we are in a powerful transitional gateway of shift to release that which no longer uplifts you and illuminate your heartfelt and passionate self to roar as the wise leader of your own life (Leo). Now is the time to ignite your heart's desires and offer your gifts to serve in the world with a sense of devotion, inspiration and responsibility (Tarot of the High Priestess).

This is a pivotal window for us as a collective where our feelings, emotions, and intuition come to light to catalyze renewal and regeneration at the level of the heart and soul. It is a time of purification to breakthrough and resurrect your self-love, truth and power. And it is a time to liberate and celebrate the wild soul that you are! 



  • Tarot: High Priestess

  • Herbs: Hyssop, Balm of Gilead, Myrrh, Sage

  • Colours: Light blue, Violet

  • Stones: Amethyst, Jasper

  • Animals: Otter, Eagle, Unicorn

  • Goddesses: Brigid, Quan Yin, Diana

  • Medicine: rising energy, purification, new growth, honoring and forgiving yourself, self-love, accepting responsibility, future planning and design


Leo Full Moon Eclipse Ritual

This potent ritual is offered in love to your Bright Soul! The intention of this ritual is to empower you in releasing anything that may be preventing you from living in the fullest expression of your Wild Sacred Feminine Essence and rise in the wisdom, beauty, and truth that you are. Blessings to you!

  • Build a fire and bask in the radiant flames. Let the heat penetrate your body. Let the colours into your eyes, empty yourself of thoughts and allow for the flames to guide you deep within. If you can't build a fire, then light some candles and bask in the full moon's light if possible.

  • Write down all the things in your life that you were told you couldn't do, or weren't allowed to do and all the beliefs that arose from that. Take your time with this...

  • Then Reflect on how this makes you feel, speak your feelings, write them down and allow your body to express these feelings.

  • Now investigate how this has affected your life and may still be affecting you. Again, take your time.

  • Then offer to the fire all the parts the beliefs that are not true, that you may have been living with. Honour them for their time with you and now they are no longer needed. Sacred. Deep. Release.

  • Dance Dance Dance! If with a fire, let the heat of the fire soften your body and move in ways that make you feel free and empowered. Dance your truth. Dance your heart and soul.

  • Speak aloud what you are capable of, and the truth of who you are! Speak your wisdom and what your passions are. You can start each sentence with I Am.... and claim your truth. Run wild with this! When you feel complete (and maybe after many tears...) Repeat, "And so it is!" as many times as you like. This will anchor in and affirm your sacred truths.

  • Finally, write down these truths, so that you can refer back to it when you need reminded of your power.

  • Close with gratitude and long deep breathing. Or, continue in what ever way feels most resonant for you.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Preferable in salted water (sensitive stones and jewels leave out the salt part).

  • Commune: Gather is an intentional way with loved ones and do the above ritual together if possible for extra potency and support. Now is a such a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this powerful and wild and powerful time.

Empowered Loving Couples Course


Such a beautiful time, just as Achintya and Shems have announced their engagement, Shems is offering another round of his insightful couples program, Empowered Loving, an 8 Week Course that will revitalize and expand the way you give and receive love! This course is designed to support you in creating a radically new experience of love and relationship that is sourced from wholeness, connection, and profound Intimacy.

Registration Closes Friday. February 2nd.


Posted on January 30, 2018 .