Photo of Achintya Devi by Sophia Billikopft

Blessed Solstice! The Sun moves into Cancer at 7:58 am PDT on June 21st to open this powerful Solar Gate. This year this is ALSO the Venus-Moon conjunction with Evening Star Venus rising to focalize at the Crown Chakra. This is a time of Coronation!

We are also honouring Juneteenth, a national holiday in the US, commemorating the end of slavery! Blessed Emanicipation Day!!

Solstice comes from the Latin term solstitium, “meaning sun stands still”, as it appears to do just that for a few days. In the northern hemisphere, we celebrate Summer Solstice with the longest hours of daylight and the sun at its highest point, while those of us in the southern hemisphere celebrate Winter Solstice with the longest hours of darkness and the sun at its lowest point. United, we hold the both the light and the dark and the full spectrum in between. 

The Solstice portal is open 3 days before and after this Holy Sabbat of purification, exaltation and celebration.

Honour the potent Solstice energy with joy as we embrace the Wild Sacred Light of the Sun itself, the Light within all Beings and the Love that shines within us, that is who we truly are. This is also a time for you to celebrate for all that is ripe in your life, whether this is related to an attitude of gratitude, completing a job well done or for embodying empowering qualities.

In this 26,000 cycle turning of the Ages, the Solstice Cancer Sun has been rising at the intersection of where the Ecliptic (plane of the solar system) crosses the Milky Way (plane of the galaxy) in the middle of what is called the Sacred Hoop of Stars (Rigel, Capella, the Pleiades, Sirius, Pollux, Castor,and Procyon) since 1962 and will continue to until 2030. This is also known as the Silver or Cancer Gate where souls pass through to incarnate, signifying a great shift in our human consciousness.

During this Solstice portal, welcome the Sun’s rays to penetrate your every cell, for indeed you are being asked to hold the Mantle of Truth, Wisdom and Love as a multi-dimensional being. One is who is made of Star Dust and Sun Light.

At this time of Illumination, may you remember that your inner fires are here to support you in moving through any fears that keep you from your truth. You are being ushered into the next activation of your incarnation as both spirit and matter, which is the power and Blessing of Light itself. Orientate yourself towards the Sun to make clear and honest choices about your greatest dreams, to shed limited beliefs and unworthiness, and bask in the magnificence of these powerful Light Codes.

Blessed Be for all that is being illuminated and amplified at this Holy time of Embodied Awakening!

Do you live in the Southern Hemisphere and are celebrating Winter Solstice?

I offer you this REKINDLE Winter Solstice Ritual that was recorded live on location along the Nile River in Egypt.


Summer Solstice Ritual Suggestions

  • Rise to Greet the Sun: Greet the Sun for Sunrise on the longest day of the year as an act of exalted devotion to the Full Light of your Awareness. If in the southern hemisphere, greet the Sunset to honour the shortest day or Light and Rebirth of another cycle.

  • Gratitude Speak: Speak aloud or write in your journal 20 things you are grateful for. If writing, place in the sunlight for amplification. This practice brings to light more experiences for you to be grateful for.

  • Honey Medicine: Eat a spoonful of golden honey in the sunlight, taste the sweetness of all of your life's blessings and recent accomplishments while feeling into trust, that all be provided for, for your life's dreams.

  • Elemental Fire Divination: Sunbathe, create a bonfire or light candles in you home to activate the wild and sacred medicine of Fire / the Sun and let the warmth of the rays and flames seep into your cells. Let the mind go and gaze into light to receive guidance and messaged available only at this time.

  • Solar Water: Place water in the Solstice Sun and let the solar codes infuse it for 20 minutes to 2 hours. Then drink in with celebration and honour. You may wish to keep in the fridge for a few days to come to keep ingesting this powerful solar elixir of nourishment.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

JUNE 21, 2023

Join in our Live Ceremony (or replay), to evoke the Astrological, Elemental, Mythological and Archetypal Wisdom of Summer Solstice and deepen with an Invocation and embodied Litha Rite.

Welcome healing light into your body and spirit, amplify your radiance, and allow your sacred desires to flourish.



Posted on June 18, 2023 .