Full Moon in Capricorn

Photo of Achintya Devi by Sophia Billikopft

The Full Moon in Capricorn is exact on July 3rd at 4:38am PDT.

Full Moon in Capricorn is a time for celebrating your accomplishments in life and leadership. It further highlights where any shifts are needed in career or with the organization of your business and practical undertakings and investments. This is an important time to illuminate the spiritual connection of success in the world.

Ambitious, conservative and practical Capricorn gets down to business and focuses on long-term goals. You may experience an increased desire for professional success, along with more seriousness and grounding. Capricorn has a determination that provides patience, discipline, and persistence to achieve desired goals.

This powerful Full Moon amplifies your capacity to experience joy, pleasure and love in your body as sacred medicine. You are being invited now to do what makes you feel good without shame or guilt. The moon's energy supports you to shed self-imposed limitations and unleash your inner wild self! The earthy power of Capricorn magnetizes your creative passion and welcomes you to delight in the pleasures of all your senses!

This Capricorn Moon portal also reflects to us the need to make important choices in our lives in order to bring deep dreams and desires forward (for the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet). If you have been on the fence about something, this moon can bring clarity. Your body holds the wisdom and guidance for all your answers. Listen within and move in the direction that feels good in your heart, womb space and intuition.

This Moon is also known as the Blessing Moon or the Full Buck Moon.

And, it is Guru Purnima, a tradition dedicated to honouring spiritual and academic Teachers / Gurus, who are evolved or enlightened humans, bringing sacred service to Humanity. The word Guru is derived from Sanskrit and means “dispeller of Darkness.”

Blessing Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Emperor

  • Herbs: Honeysuckle, Lemon Balm, Jasmine

  • Colors: Green, Ocean Blues, Coral

  • Stones: Ocean Jasper, Lepidolite, Aquamarine

  • Animals: Crab, Turtle, Dolphin, Whale

  • Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Sulis, Nephthys

  • Medicine: Peak of Summer; Relaxed energy; Preparation; Dream-work; Lughnasadh

Ritual Suggestions

  • Earth Connection: Walk on the earth with bare feet. Imagine roots growing down from your feet or your womb space to the womb of Mother Gaia. Feel this an anchoring rod of light connecting you to the Earth and welcome in the magic of the Moon descend down from above you as you continue to send the energy deep into the earth to ground your dreams and affirmation and keep your body temple feeling supported and nourished.

  • Guru Purnima Gratitude Blessing: Throughout the day and night continually say out loud what you are grateful for about from the people in your life you consider your gurus / teachers, those you have learned from, who have empowered you and, If it's a person, reach out and tell them in a message or a phone call. If they are animals or angels or guides in the unseen realms, speak your gratitude out loud, or sing or write it down.

  • Take Stock & Take Action: In your journal, write down 1-3 emotional needs and desires that are not being met. Then list why this is so. Make sure you turn the answer inward and don't point the finger to the outside or at someone else. This is powerful. Take your time with this one. There may be massive insight and healing in this alone. Then for each need/desire, write down one way you can activate these to come to fruition. Make a commitment to apply at least one of these in the next 72 hours. And the others within this lunar cycle.

  • Creative Activation: Take a piece of paper and list 5-10 desires you have. Place this sacred paper under the moonlight (either outside or by a window). Create an altar with this by adding symbols (of things you already have/cuttings from a magazine, etc) that represent these desires. Get creative. Then burn sage or incense around you to purify yourself and symbolically remove any ways of being that prevent you from experiencing these desires (insight from first ritual may come into play here). Sing or chant any mantras or songs that you feel connected to, to bring these soul desires to life!

  • Remember: Put out your gemstones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Wild Moon Love, Achintya



Enjoy many of my Spotify Playlists that carry the Lunar Frequencies as you release, dance, move, and ground.

*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway

Posted on July 2, 2023 .