Lioness Full Moon Eclipse


Pic by Achintya of Goddess Sekhmet in Egypt

The Total Lunar Eclipse is exact on January 20th at 6:36 pm PST | 9:36 pm EST followed by the Leo Full Moon on January 20th at 9:16pm PST / January 21st at 12:16 am EST. 


With all planets moving forward at this time of our upcoming lunar eclipse, we are in a powerful transitional gateway to release that which no longer uplifts or support you to live as your sovereign Queen self and embody Heaven on Earth. 

This is one of the most powerful astrological events of 2019! The full moon and total lunar eclipse in Leo empowers you to illuminate your heartfelt and passionate self, ROAR that which has been holding you back, and Rise as the Queen of your own life (Leo) to serve in this great time of birthing a Golden Age on Earth. This celestial transition ignites your heart's desires to offer your gifts in serving in the world with a sense of devotion, inspiration, and responsibility.

These are some potent incoming Queen Codes for this year! This is a pivotal window for us as a collective where our feelings, emotions, and intuition come to light to catalyze renewal and regeneration at the level of the heart and soul for leading with your Lion Heart in 2019. It is a time of purification to breakthrough and resurrect your self-love, truth and power.

This first full moon is also known as the Wolf Moon!! We have a LOT of primal power present at this time.



  • Tarot: The Star

  • Herbs: Holly thistle, Nuts, and cones

  • Colors: White, Lavender,  Blue-violet/indigo, Black

  • Stones: Garnet, Onyx, Jet, Chrysoprase, Rose quartz

  • Animals: Bear, Fox, Coyote, Wolf

  • Goddesses: Freya, Brigid, Persephone, Inanna, Saraswati, Hera

  • Medicine: Awakening, Envisioning, Beginning/conceiving, Rest, Protection

  • Holy Day: Imbolc


Leo Full Moon Eclipse Ritual

This potent ritual is offered in love to your Bright Soul! The intention of this ritual is to empower you in releasing anything that may be preventing you from living in the fullest expression of your Wild Sacred Feminine Essence and rise in the wisdom, beauty, and truth that you are. Blessings to you!

  • Build a fire and bask in the radiant flames. Let the heat penetrate your body. Let the colours into your eyes, empty yourself of thoughts and allow for the flames to guide you deep within. If you can't build a fire, then light some candles and bask in the full moon's light if possible.

  • Write down all the things in your life that you were told you couldn't do, or weren't allowed to do and all the beliefs that arose from that. Take your time with this...

  • Then Reflect on how this makes you feel, speak your feelings, write them down and allow your body to express these feelings.

  • Now investigate how this has affected your life and may still be affecting you. Again, take your time.

  • Then offer to the fire all the parts the beliefs that are not true, that you may have been living with. Honour them for their time with you and now they are no longer needed. Sacred. Deep. Release.

  • Dance Dance Dance! If with a fire, let the heat of the fire soften your body and move in ways that make you feel free and empowered. Dance your truth. Dance your heart and soul.

  • Speak aloud what you are capable of, and the truth of who you are! Speak your wisdom and what your passions are. You can start each sentence with I Am.... and claim your truth. Run wild with this! When you feel complete (and maybe after many tears...) Repeat, "And so it is!" as many times as you like. This will anchor in and affirm your sacred truths.

  • Finally, write down these truths, so that you can refer back to it when you need reminded of your power.

  • Close with gratitude and long deep breathing. Or, continue in what ever way feels most resonant for you.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Preferable in salted water (sensitive stones and jewels leave out the salt part).

  • Commune: Gather is an intentional way with loved ones and do the above ritual together if possible for extra potency and support. Now is a such a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this powerful and wild and powerful time.




There are larger cycles of change that are taking place right now. As you may know, Goddess Rising in 'her' current iteration, is going through a Rebirth for 2019. During this time of shift and change (with magickal and powerful new offerings in the works!!!), I would LOVE your support and contribution to this evolution. On the precipice of the upcoming Full Moon and Eclipse,

In exchange for your time and honest feedback (5 - 10 minutes), those who fill out the survey by January 19th will receive access to a special LIVE Sekhmet Blood Moon Eclipse Ritual on January 20th!


Posted on January 18, 2019 .

11/22 Gemini Full Moon


The Gemini Full Moon is exact on November 22 at 9:40pm PST / November 23rd 12:40am EST & 5:40am GMT.

This a Master Number Full Moon and the Stargate is OPEN!

11 is the Master Angelic number of inspiration, intuition, illumination, and embodied spiritual awakening for anchoring Heaven to Earth.

22 is the Master Builder number associated with the Christos Light of Mary Magdalene and Her Beloved Yeshua, to bring dreams to reality, and the Light of your higher self into Embodiment.

33 (when you add 11 + 22) is the Master Humanitarian number of resurrecting our Christ Light Divinity into our purpose/service/work and co-create with devotion to benefit All.

This Gemini full moon, governed by the Element of Air, humbly illuminate our personal shadows and integrate them into the Light Codes coming forth for in this great portal from Nov 21 - 25. We are in a dualistic time of intensity and restoration as the upcoming 11/22/33 Gemini Full Moon is the apex for the influx of light code energies ushering into our 3D existence this November. 

These Diamond Light Christ Codes are incoming for the greatest embodiment of your soul self and our shared soul contract as a Family of Light to bridge Heaven and Earth. Surrender is key. Allow the Light Codes of the Heaven’s to bless your body, mind and soul. Give yourself this gift by opening to receive.

This is simultaneously a descent into your innermost chambers to release the past and a celebration of gratitude for all the blessings of the past year. This paradox is a Gemini moon code revealing opportunities for multi-faceted communication cosmically, internally, relationally, emotionally and spiritually that can offer personal transformation and healing in our collective consciousness.

This is a powerful time for expressing, amending, releasing or forgiving through communication. This communication may be with yourself or others from the past (including your ancestors). In this dualistic medicine of Gemini, it is also the time for us to gather and rise in the power of our sovereignty and communicate our gratitude, compassion and empathy for other, along with our sacred desires through prayer, song, dance, words and actions. When we direct the power of our mind's intentions through the lens of the heart by giving thanks we activate healing and transformation within and all around us, birthing into being the world we want to live in.

 This full moon is also known as the Shaman’s Moon.

Shaman's Moon Attributes:

  • Tarot: Death

  • Herbs: Grains of Paradise, Verbena, Borage, Blessed Thistle

  • Colors: Orange, Red, Sea-Green

  • Stones: Topaz, Hyacinth, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz

  • Animals: Crocodile, Owl, Goose

  • Goddesses: Cerridwen, Mawu, Hecate

  • Medicine: Honoring our ancestors; Releasing the past; Transformation; Karmic Completion for Ascension; Gratitude; Reflection; Shadow + Light Work


Gemini Ritual Suggestions

  • Share: Write a letter or make a phone call to a person that you need to communicate with in to feel complete. Express your truth with heart and sincerity.

  • Burn it: Write a list of the communication/thoughts that are happening inside your head that you are ready to shift. Beliefs, stories, habits, all that you wish to leave behind while we are in the Dark time of the year. What are you letting go of? Free it up. Give it voice. Let it out. Let it go and burn it (safely) with a candle or campfire or fireplace. Then proceed to ritual below.

  • Stand in your Illuminated Vision: Let your visions come to life! Go deeper from the above ritual. With the space created from what you released, it's now time to get creative with making a 'vision board' of your medium (whether visually with a painting or drawings or dance or write in your journal) and express your truth, dreams and visions, and all that you wish to bring more attention and energy to for yourself and for the planet. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing it during the full moon window.

  • Gem Stone Reminder: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time. 

11/22 Diamond Light Full Moon Ceremony

With Mary Magdalene & The Seraphim Angels

Thursday November 22, 11:22am PST / 2:22pm EST


We welcome you to join us for a special free ceremony to ground in the amplified Diamond Light / Rainbow Codes in support of embodying your soul self, your mastery and mission on Earth at this time and our collective mission as a Family of Light birthing a Golden Age.

As great shift is upon us, we shall commune with the empowering Feminine Christ presence of Beloved Mary Magdalene and the Seraphim Angels to ‘build’ our angelic rainbow light bodies in advocacy of your sovereign agency, psychic protection and magickal destiny.

*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway

Posted on November 21, 2018 .

Taurus Full Moon

This Taurus Full Moon is exact on Oct 24 9:45 am PDT. Taurus Full Moon simultaneously illuminates the innermost chambers of our body as a temple to experience cosmic bliss and is a time of expressing gratitude to Mother Earth and all the blessings of the past year. This time is an invitation be take the grounded action needed for transformation and healing in your personal life and the collective consciousness (particularly relating to ancestral bloodlines in the realms of love, connection pleasure & sensuality).

Taurus Moon (sensuality) + Scorpio Sun (sexuality) = one of the most potent sign combinations in the zodiac! This is an alchemical union of primordial and mystical energy that can set your soul on fire into ecstatic freedom!

Also called the Full Hunter's Moon which is derived from the approach of winter signaled the possibility of going hungry in pre-Industrial times. This moon was generally associated with great honour, serving as an important feast day in both northern Europe and among many Native American tribes.

Traditionally, Native American hunters used the full moon of October to stalk deer to prepare for the coming winter. Because the fields were traditionally harvested in late September or early October, hunters could also easily see deer and foxes (and other animals) that came out in the full moon to the fields of fallen grains.

This Taurus moon (ruled by Venus) activates our earthy, sensual nature. It is time to delight in and take exquisite care of our bodies and the body of Mother Earth. There is a powerful portal open for prayer, forgiveness, celebration, self-love, sensuality, earthy eroticism and grounded bliss.

With the sun in scorpio, this full moon shines on our deepest feelings and sacred desires related to pleasure, connection, and freedom. It can bring up where you limit these essential parts of your life so you can release them and make new choices for your life that support your Sovereignty and Empowerment. You may feel an urge to sing and dance in both release and rejoice. To make love or to sob. Whatever is your truth, express your feelings with your body. When you allow this to flow through you, you activate healing and transformation within and all around you and our greater collective.

Utilize the power of this moon for your deep growth.
You are are guided and graced!


Moon Attributes

  • Astrology: Scorpio Sun, Artist's Moon, Hunter's Moon

  • Tarot: Strength

  • Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Wheat, Valerian

  • Colors: Brown, Yellow-Green, Yellow

  • Stones: Citrine, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye, Olivine, Amethyst

  • Animals: Snake, Jackal, Sparrow

  • Goddesses: Ceres, Isis, Freya

  • Medicine: Rest after labor, Balance of light & dark, Organize, Clean out Mental/Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Clutter


Full Moon Ritual Suggestions

  • Make Space: Initiate Release and create beauty at the same time by going through your cupboards, closet, garage etc... and let go of the excess. Spaciousness feels so good and you open yourself up to more internal power and creative life-force.

  • Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day, and longer than 5 if possible. Do what you can). Make sure to get a long and full sleep.

  • Burn It Up. Affirm Your Truth: Write a list of the mental baggage that is happening inside that mind of yours. Beliefs, stories, habits. All that you are done with! Free it up. Give it voice. Let it out! Let it go and burn it (safely) with a candle or campfire or fireplace. Then proceed to ritual below.

  • Gem Stone Reminder: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time. 

With Wild Lunar Love, Achintya


Join us to Honour the Season of Samhain

3 Day Online Avalon Samhain Mysterium

November 6-8

Samhain (“sow” - “when”) is the cross-quarter High Holy Day, half-way between Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice that marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year in the Avalonian Priestess tradition.

During this time, the veils between the physical and spirit worlds are thinnest as we enter into the darkest part of the year governed by the Dark Crone Goddesses. Life and death merge and the seen and unseen Commune.

Join Achintya and Joanne Ameya Cohen for 3 days of Online Ritual and Magick!

Posted on October 24, 2018 .

Aries Harvest Full Moon


The Aries Harvest Full Moon is exact on September 24th at 7:52 pm PDT.

We are living at a time on Earth where there is an acceleration of simultaneous Beauty, Grace, Upheaval and Conflict in both our inner and outer worlds. And. All this is here to serve the Great Design of why you/we are here, Now. For you to come into the full embodiment of Truth, Wisdom, Power and Love. To unite your soul and body.

With this Harvest Moon in Aries, the opportunity is here to deepen into your Greatest Gratitude and light up your Warrioress Within. This is a Moon to both reflect and to amplify. To commune and celebrate. To share honour and reverence. To spark inspiration or (r)evolutionize your life. You may be called to sing, dance or be still. You may be ready to start something new or give death to something in your life. It may also be the time for you to release anger, rage, frustration or fear in healthy ways, to avoid continued internal tension and external aggression. Use the power of Fire wisely and it will support you fiercely.

The Aries Moon Medicine is also igniting you to take external action as the (R)Evolutionary and Warrioress by contributing your voice, energy, money (any form of action) to participate in the change you wish to see and Be in the world.
Sister, you are a daughter of the Goddess. Your presence with both your shadow and light stimulates needed Awakening, Remembrance and Reclamation for us all!

What do you wish to ignite or re-ignite in your life? What gifts are you reclaiming? What is ready to be released? What is being catalyzed within you?How are you called to Revolutionize?

Whatever inspires you, move in that direction.

Blessed Be.

Harvest Moon Attributes

  • Astrology: Artist's Moon / Harvest Moon, closest full moon to autumnal equinox (northern hemisphere)

  • Tarot: Strength

  • Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Wheat, Valerian

  • Colors: Brown, Yellow-Green, Yellow

  • Stones: Citrine, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye, Olivine, Amethyst

  • Animals: Snake, Jackal, Sparrow

  • Goddesses: Ceres, Isis, Freya

  • Medicine: Rest after labour, Mabon, Autumn Equinox, Balance of light & dark, Organize, Clean out Mental/Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Clutter

Avalon Apple Orchard Blessings

Avalon Apple Orchard Blessings



Ritual Suggestions

  • Gratitude Harvest Altar & Release: Gather fruits and vegetables. Flowers and grains. Create an altar of abundance, representing all you are in gratitude of. List all the things you are grateful for in your life from this year so far and place this in the moonlight (outside or window) to attract more experiences to be grateful for. Write down all the things you are ready to release, change or shift and either bury them, burn them or offer them to a body of water.

  • Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams tonight and through the next few nights. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

  • Cleanse: Whether you are moving from Winter to Spring in the Southern Hemisphere or from Summer to Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, the moon cycle of Equinox can be the best time of year for a cleanse. When we cleanse the body, we also cleanse out the mind and release baggage and beliefs that are of dis-ease. If you choose to cleanse this season, be wise about what one choose. Do your homework. Investigate & get support. Grab a beloved or join a group cleanse.

  • Make Space: Time to go through your cupboards, closet, garage etc... and let go of the excess. Spaciousness feels so good and you open yourself up to more internal power and creative life-force.

  • Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day, and longer than 5 if possible. Do what you can). Make sure to get a long and full sleep.

  • Tea Medicine: Drinking Tulsi & Gotu Kola herbal tea will soothe your nerves and calm your spirit. This also allows you to open up to magical and bountiful blessings being offered.

  • Earthing Creativity: Illuminate your dreams and get into your body! Create a vision board or a painting or dance or write in your journal all that you are bringing with you into the next season ahead. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing out loud.

  • Moon Bathe: Get into the magic of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul-stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions and dreams that you see for yourself and for the planet.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this potent time.

With Lunar Love, Achintya




In Celebration of this Equinox and Harvest Full Moon, we are excited to offer 15% OFF ALL Yoni Crystal Eggs & Wands Until Sept 26th.

Embody your Womb Wisdom & Empower your Sexual Sovereignty!

Posted on September 23, 2018 .

Autumn Equinox and Mabon Rituals

Gratitude Dance with Rainbow & Apple Tree Devas in Avalon.

Gratitude Dance with Rainbow & Apple Tree Devas in Avalon.


This Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is exact at 6:54pm PDT on September 22nd and Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere is exact on September 23 at 11:54am in Australia.

At this special time, day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun. On The Wheel of the Year, this Holy Day in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated as Mabon (pronounced in many different ways May-bun, May-boon, May-bawn). Mabon is considered a time of the Great Mysteries. It is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, the Harvest, and the Spirit World. 

This is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether physically, emotionally, mentally or all the above).

This is a potent moment to honour the light and the shadow within your Womb, Heart & Mind. To honour the human part of you and the spirit part of you… the masculine and the feminine. For, to live fully Whole and integrated, we must embody both polarities. This is the power and alchemy of which all creation is based.

Allow yourself to be joy-filled, sorrowful, happy, frustrated and sad all at once. All of these emotions have deep wisdom, insight and lessons for you at this time when you inquire with curiosity and acceptance. Give reverence to yourself for how far and deep you have journeyed. Honour your pain, shadow, and challenges. Honour your pleasure, light and triumphs. And those of others. For every step of your path has led you to this moment now.

We offer thanks and honour to the Goddess as she moves from Mother to Crone, and to the Green Man of giving gratitude for the fortitude of the Sun, as we now reap the gifts and abundance, prosperity and fruitful ways of being.

May we welcome the power of this Holy Day in our personal lives and as the needed change for world. May we offer to one another the bounty of love in our hearts, and offer the gifts of respect, kindness, honour and peace to all those we come across. May we do what we can to contribute our energy in gratitude to the Earth, to the Spirit World and to all of humanity.


Symbolism and Attributes

The Second Harvest, The Mysteries, Equality and Balance.

  • Symbols: Wine, cornucopia, gourds, vines, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, dried seeds, and horns of plenty.

  • Herbs: Acorn, ferns, grains, myrrh, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, benzoin, and thistle.

  • Foods: Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, squash, potatoes, carrots, and onions.

  • Scents: Benzoin, myrrh, sage

  • Colours: Red, orange, maroon, rust, brown, gold

  • Goddesses: Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods: Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man.

  • Stones: Sapphire, lapis Lazuli, yellow agate


Ritual Suggestions

  • Activities: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the forest, scattering your offerings in harvested fields, offering libations & elixirs to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

  • Magick: Rituals and spells of protection, prosperity, harmony, balance, equality, gratitude, security, and self-confidence.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.


With Love, Achintya 


Mabon Love sale.jpg

In Celebration of the Equinox, from September 21 - 26, we are excited to offer 15% OFF ALL Yoni Crystal Eggs & Wands. Choose your egg or wand gemstone based on the desired experience you wish for your sacred womb space.

Embody your Womb Wisdom & Empower your Sexual Sovereignty!

Posted on September 21, 2018 .