LUNAR BELTANE ~ Super Flower Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio


The Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is from 8:29 - 9:53pm PDT on Sunday, May 15th, with the peak totality at 9:11pm and the exact Scorpio Full Moon at 9:14pm PDT.

Find your local time here.

This Full Moon in Scorpio is the climax and completion of our Beltane Portal! Can you feel the shifting of energies within? Can you sense an amplification of your sixth sense, a feeling of between the worlds?

A potent activation on the spiral of life is happening and continues to build with the light of the moon. With the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon, this is a time of celebrating your fertile dreams and honouring your sensual nature.

And, as it’s a total lunar eclipse, it is a potent time of ending, transformation and releasing of deep emotions. Hidden treasures and tribulations connected to destiny, courage, sensuality and sexuality are illuminated. Through shadow and light, this can reveal some of your greatest powers and also wounds for revelation, healing and empowerment.

Gratitude, Self-Love, Embodiment Practices and Pleasure Rituals to nourish your body and consciousness are especially important right. You and we are being invited into deeper layers of excavation, emotional exploration, and embodiment of your presence, power, including the Beltane themed erotic innocence and sexual expression.

This Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon in Buddhist Tradition. It was the Full moon in May that the Buddha was born, later experienced enlightenment and then finally passed on from the body (YES, all on the Full Moon of May). It is said that it is during this time that we have the blessing and opportunity of Great Awakening. And so it is.


Flower Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Lovers

  • Herbs: Elder, Mint, Rose, Mugwort, Thyme

  • Colors: Green, Brown, Pink

  • Stones: Emerald, Malachite, Amber, Carnelian, Moonstone

  • Animals: Cats, Lynx, Leopard, Swan, Dove

  • Goddesses: Maia, Venus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Astarte

  • Moon Medicine: Creation, Love, Intuition, Divine Connection, Connection with Nature, Sexuality, Sensuality Beltane


Eclipse Ritual Suggestion

  • Lunar Beltane Fire Ritual: Get into Nature. Take off your shoes. Breathe in the air and remember that your cycles mimic Hers. Give any of your limiting beliefs, fears and completions to the Fire (either by building one, or with candles). With movement and voice, write them down and burn them. This is an act of purification and activation and a releasing of any heavy weight or burdens you may be carrying, ready to be transformed. Anchor into the felt sense of Trust an inner knowing within you by consciously focalizing on your breath. Add movement, dance or sound if you feel inspired.

  • This is NOT a full moon to charge your gem stones: Save this for the next full moon!

  • This is NOT a time for making big decisions or for drastic changes. Let yourself be slow and welcome in Divine Grace coupled with your Inner Compass.


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of, and after the actual full moon. This is the 3-day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time. Flower Moon Attributes adopted by DJ Conway.

Lunar Beltane Magick Playlist

This Playlist can accompany any of your Lunar Beltane Rituals or enjoy as you ride through the total lunar eclipse while driving, dancing or making love to life!

Thank you to all the incredible musicians and artists! This playlist from last year has extended from 3 hours and 33 minutes to 5+ hours!

Posted on May 13, 2022 .