Blue Moon in Pisces

The Pisces Full Corn Moon is exact on August 30 at 6:35pm PDT. It is also a Super Blue Moon conjunct Saturn!

With this Blue Moon in Pisces (second full moon of August), in the final sign of the zodiac, we are able to reap the the joys, lessons, insight, and experience from all the previous signs and implement their teachings by seeing through the lens of ‘being in many worlds at once’.

The symbol for Pisces, with one fish swimming downstream and another swimming upstream, is an invitation to enter into the power of integrating duality, incorporating both the inner and the outer realms, the light and the dark, the highs and the lows and to activate the wisdom of polarity (like 2 magnets coming together in their opposite nature), to create something anew / the trinity codes of potential / a “third door” of possibility.

With the Sun in Virgo (Virgin / High Priestess / Queen), and the Moon in Pisces, this is a Seeress / Priestess Moon to activate and ground your visions and dreams. For one and for All. This is a powerful opportunity for us to consciously beam our unified prayers to Bless each other and All Sentient Beings in this specific timeline in the era of the Great Shift.

With Saturn conjunct this Super Full Moon, you may feel more responsible for loved ones and family members, both physically and emotionally, from now and until the New Moon. This is also a time of being responsible for you own emotional truth, including learning from past mistakes and how you can create a reset and new season of your life.

Beloved One, you are a child of the infinite God dess. Your very presence on Earth here and your emotional intelligence holds great keys for our collective awakening. At this mystical full moon time, you are able to harness the power of your shadow, your light, and the rainbow spectrum in between to amplify your intuitive knowing and inner guidance for taking authentic action on your path.

As your nervous system is heightened, please give great care to your sacred body temple. Drink lots of water. Get into water and Be in Nature if possible. Be present with your breath and the rhythm of your sleep patterns. Rest and exercise. Meditate. Be in the morning stillness to recall your dreams, as there deep insight is there for you. Breathe deeply and check in with your inner voice when if you are needing to make major choices. Accept. Surrender. Release. Celebrate.

This is also known as the Corn Moon.

Corn Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Empress

  • Herbs: Chamomile, St. John’s wort, Fennel, Rue

  • Colors: Yellow, Gold

  • Stones: Tiger's Eye, Carnelian, Red Jasper,  

  • Animals: Lioness, Phoenix, Hawk

  • Goddesses: Gaia, Demeter, Corn Mother

  • Medicine: Gathering, Gratitude, Health & Wellness, Friendships, Bounty, Motherhood


Ritual Suggestions

  • Dreaming Moon Water: Place a bowl of water in the full moon (preferable outside & spring water if possible) and welcome the shining moon light to infuse the water with the wisdom and power of pisces energy (dreamy, intuitive, mystical, imaginative). Keep in the moonlight for at least an hour, or overnight if you wish. Then drink as a sacrament, offer to the earth and to others.

  • Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams during the 3 day Full Moon window. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

  • Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day), so you can attune to the subtle layers of all that shifting within you. Be sure to get a long and full sleep.

  • Tea Medicine: Drinking Tulsi & Gotu Kola herbal tea will soothe your nerves and calm your spirit. This also allows you to open up to magical and bountiful blessings being offered.

  • Earthing Creativity: Illuminate your dreams and get into your body! Create a vision board or a painting, dance or write in your journal all that you are celebrating and releasing. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing out loud.

  • Moon Bathe: Get into the magick of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul-stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the prayers, visions and dreams that you see for yourself and the planet.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective. (See invitation below).


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magickal time.

With Lunar Love, Achintya

Access our Lunar Playlists and Enjoy!

Heka of The Hathors
January 2 - 14, 2024
Apply by August 31st

I lovingly welcome you to our 7th Annual Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage. With reverence and devotion, we will enter Kemet’s Portal of Living Wisdom and liminal realms to initiate the 2024 New Year where the eternal Key of Life is ready to nourish your Soul's Embodiment.

The Holy Lands, Nile Waters and Sands of Time will shower you in starlight, sacred remembrances, soul stirring messages, and divine activations to empower your greatest awakening and the Legacy of our Collective Earthwalk.

♡ Limited to 13 Sisters Spaces ♡
Please Apply by August 31

Registration is on a first come, first served basis with priority given to current students and alumni.

I have lovingly crafted an opulent Path of the Initiate sojourn that I believe is coded within your destiny. Since traveling to Egypt is a magnificent investment of time and resources, our opulent pilgrimage features 5-Star accommodations, 5 Private Access visits to prominent sacred sites, and 6 nights aboard our private 5 Star Egyptian Dahabiya Nile Cruise.

This pilgrimage is offered for you to deepen and expand on your path of Soul Path. It is an Alchemical Initiation will amplify your oracular and healing gifts, activate your DNA, and catalyze the evolution of your Divine Sovereignty, Leadership, and Priestess Power.

This will be my last Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage for the foreseeable future and I deeply look forward to the magick, mysteries, miracles and memories that we will share together!

If you have any questions about our Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage,
please email

I welcome you to join me for…

The Many Faces of Mary Magdalene:
A Free 2-Day Online Gathering of Sacred Wisdom

September 9 & 10

Over the past 2,000+ years, Mary Magdalene has been associated with various archetypes that resonate with individuals seeking personal growth and spiritual development. 

I’m honored to be among 20 Magdalene emissaries and teachers — including Her Holiness Jagadguru Sathya Sai Maa, Flo Aeveia Magdalena, Dr. Sue Morter, Nasrin Safai Foster, Diana DuBrow, Aja Solé Shah, and many others.

As a collective, we will share ways to embody this sacred knowledge so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from these quintessential teachings reaching across time. 

Throughout this landmark online gathering, you’ll receive gems of wisdom from modern-day Magdalene scholars and priestesses, and also receive experiential practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion you carry within your own heart and mind — by helping you access your inner frequencies of the Divine Feminine.

Posted on August 28, 2023 .