Dragon Full Moon in Gemini

The Gemini Dragon Full Moon is exact at 1:16am PST on November 27.

This is first full moon after the recent eclipses that carries new codes of cosmic communication and revelation and connects to Dragon Goddess Tiamat.

This Full Moon, governed by the element of Air, illuminates both shadow and light and calls for us to integrate both. This is simultaneously a descent into your innermost chambers to release the past and a rise in celebration for all the blessings and lessons of the past year. This paradox is a Gemini moon code revealing opportunities for multi-faceted communication cosmically, internally, relationally, emotionally and spiritually that can offer personal transformation and healing in our collective consciousness.

This Gemini Full Moon links to the Ancient Dragon Mother Tiamat, of our Rose, Dragon and Grail Lineages. There are two parts to the Tiamat myth. One in which Tiamat is a Creatrix Goddess, through a “sacred marriage” between salt and fresh water, who peacefully creates the cosmos through successive generations. The second is that she is considered the embodiment of primordial chaos.

In the ancient Mesopotamian myth of Marduk’s slaying of Tiamat we find the recognition of duality. Tiamat is Goddess of the Primal Abyss, the void of chaos from which all the Gods emerged, was depicted as a great dragon encircling and encompassing all known creation. As such, She represents the pure state of undifferentiated consciousness.

Allow her primordial energy to support the Remembrance of your Origin Code.

Look to the starry skies for galactic Scrying and communion with the Dragon Mothers. This a time to reflect, celebrate and express what you are grateful for, whether through prayer, song, dance, words and actions. And, this is a potent portal for refining the communication of listening, expressing, vibratory sensing, teaching, and speaking - especially with what needs amending and releasing with clarity and grace.

Shaman's Moon Attributes:

  • Tarot: Death

  • Herbs: Grains of Paradise, Verbena, Borage, Blessed Thistle

  • Colors: Black, Orange, Red, Sea-Green

  • Stones: Topaz, Hyacinth, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz

  • Animals: Crocodile, Owl, Goose

  • Goddesses: Cerridwen, Mawu, Hecate

  • Medicine: Honoring our ancestors; Releasing the past; Transformation; Gratitude; Reflecting on the lessons of the past year; Shadow work

Gemini Full Moon Ritual Suggestions

  • Share: Write a letter or make a phone call to a person that you need to communicate with in to feel complete. Express your truth with heart and sincerity.

  • Sky Scrying: Look to the starry skies. Hold an intention in your heart to receive unique messages from the Dragon Mothers to empower your path. Watch and listen for these messages in the movement of the moonlit clouds, with the wind and in the stars.

  • Empty Presence: Be quiet & still for 10 - 30 mins. Listen. Feel your heartbeat. Breath deep. Be present with yourself and the power of this living moment.

  • Stand in your Illuminated Vision: Let your visions come to life! Go deeper from the above ritual. With the space created from what you released, it's now time to get creative with making a 'vision board' of your medium (whether visually with a painting or drawings or dance or write in your journal) and express your truth, dreams and visions, and all that you wish to bring more attention and energy to for yourself and for the planet. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing it during the full moon window.

  • Gem Stone Reminder: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Enjoy My Playlist on Spotify


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magickal time. 

Full Moon Blessings to you!

Love, Achintya

*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway


Introduction to the Rose Priestess Path

This 3-part mini course will take you on a dedicated sojourn within your Wombspace, Heart and Mind to reignite the Triple Flame of the Magdalene within you. This is a Key Activation within the Rose Priestess Path.

The Magdalene flames carry the eternal hearth fires of the Great Mother that exist beyond form and yet, are anchored in your body as a part of your Divine Blueprint. They are the Feminine Sophianic Christ Consciousness that when activated, awaken your inherent power, truth, and wisdom. When tended, these flames support and nourish how you live, love, and lead in the world.

With each video of this mini-course, you will journey into one of the Sophianic Magdalene Centers within, led by one of our Rosa Mystica Guides, to unlock powerful codes for your Soul Path and Priestessing.

Posted on November 22, 2023 .