Dragon Full Moon in Gemini

The Gemini Dragon Full Moon is exact at 1:16am PST on November 27.

This is first full moon after the recent eclipses that carries new codes of cosmic communication and revelation and connects to Dragon Goddess Tiamat.

This Full Moon, governed by the element of Air, illuminates both shadow and light and calls for us to integrate both. This is simultaneously a descent into your innermost chambers to release the past and a rise in celebration for all the blessings and lessons of the past year. This paradox is a Gemini moon code revealing opportunities for multi-faceted communication cosmically, internally, relationally, emotionally and spiritually that can offer personal transformation and healing in our collective consciousness.

This Gemini Full Moon links to the Ancient Dragon Mother Tiamat, of our Rose, Dragon and Grail Lineages. There are two parts to the Tiamat myth. One in which Tiamat is a Creatrix Goddess, through a “sacred marriage” between salt and fresh water, who peacefully creates the cosmos through successive generations. The second is that she is considered the embodiment of primordial chaos.

In the ancient Mesopotamian myth of Marduk’s slaying of Tiamat we find the recognition of duality. Tiamat is Goddess of the Primal Abyss, the void of chaos from which all the Gods emerged, was depicted as a great dragon encircling and encompassing all known creation. As such, She represents the pure state of undifferentiated consciousness.

Allow her primordial energy to support the Remembrance of your Origin Code.

Look to the starry skies for galactic Scrying and communion with the Dragon Mothers. This a time to reflect, celebrate and express what you are grateful for, whether through prayer, song, dance, words and actions. And, this is a potent portal for refining the communication of listening, expressing, vibratory sensing, teaching, and speaking - especially with what needs amending and releasing with clarity and grace.

Shaman's Moon Attributes:

  • Tarot: Death

  • Herbs: Grains of Paradise, Verbena, Borage, Blessed Thistle

  • Colors: Black, Orange, Red, Sea-Green

  • Stones: Topaz, Hyacinth, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz

  • Animals: Crocodile, Owl, Goose

  • Goddesses: Cerridwen, Mawu, Hecate

  • Medicine: Honoring our ancestors; Releasing the past; Transformation; Gratitude; Reflecting on the lessons of the past year; Shadow work

Gemini Full Moon Ritual Suggestions

  • Share: Write a letter or make a phone call to a person that you need to communicate with in to feel complete. Express your truth with heart and sincerity.

  • Sky Scrying: Look to the starry skies. Hold an intention in your heart to receive unique messages from the Dragon Mothers to empower your path. Watch and listen for these messages in the movement of the moonlit clouds, with the wind and in the stars.

  • Empty Presence: Be quiet & still for 10 - 30 mins. Listen. Feel your heartbeat. Breath deep. Be present with yourself and the power of this living moment.

  • Stand in your Illuminated Vision: Let your visions come to life! Go deeper from the above ritual. With the space created from what you released, it's now time to get creative with making a 'vision board' of your medium (whether visually with a painting or drawings or dance or write in your journal) and express your truth, dreams and visions, and all that you wish to bring more attention and energy to for yourself and for the planet. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing it during the full moon window.

  • Gem Stone Reminder: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Enjoy My Playlist on Spotify


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magickal time. 

Full Moon Blessings to you!

Love, Achintya

*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway


Introduction to the Rose Priestess Path

This 3-part mini course will take you on a dedicated sojourn within your Wombspace, Heart and Mind to reignite the Triple Flame of the Magdalene within you. This is a Key Activation within the Rose Priestess Path.

The Magdalene flames carry the eternal hearth fires of the Great Mother that exist beyond form and yet, are anchored in your body as a part of your Divine Blueprint. They are the Feminine Sophianic Christ Consciousness that when activated, awaken your inherent power, truth, and wisdom. When tended, these flames support and nourish how you live, love, and lead in the world.

With each video of this mini-course, you will journey into one of the Sophianic Magdalene Centers within, led by one of our Rosa Mystica Guides, to unlock powerful codes for your Soul Path and Priestessing.

Posted on November 22, 2023 .

Taurus Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse


Full Moon Blessings to you! On Saturday, October 28th, the Taurus Blood Moon is exact at 1:24pm PST, while the Partial Lunar Eclipse is exact at 1:14pm PST.  

This Taurus moon (ruled by Venus) activates our earthy, sensual nature. With the partial lunar eclipse happening, you will be supported through this great transition by giving yourself exquisite self-care, honouring your feelings, and connecting with Mother Earth's lands and waters.

The Taurus Full Moon will be eclipsed with the light of the Scorpio Sun (one of the most potent sign combinations in the zodiac!) to reveal our deepest feelings and sacred desires related to pleasure, depth of connection, revelations and freedom within the body. It also can bring up where you limit these essential parts of your life to create needed transformation.

This eclipse will complete the lunar node cycle that commenced in November of 2021. This is the celestial invitation to celebrate, complete and graduate from a chapter in your life. Something (or many things) are ending in your life to make way for new growth, infused with strength and power!

To actively create closure, this is a powerful time portal to immerse in prayer, gratitude, forgiveness, self-love, sensuality and grounded connection.

This will also open the space to consciously make new choices for your life that support your Freedom, Sovereignty and Empowerment.

You may feel an urge to sing and dance, emote or rejoice. You may feel the urge make love or to sob. And potentially both. Whatever your truth is, allow the expression of your feelings to flow through your body to activate healing and transformation within.

Give yourself permission for any sadness, grief, anger, or fear to have their holy moment by being acknowledged and felt. Any distorted beliefs that have been leading your life can be revealed and dissolved. Honour and thank them for how they have served you and with power of your choice, let them go!

On the other side of the shadow is liberation! Through this deep excavation of your being, you are creating space for a potent rebirth of love and true mastery for your life and for the benefit All.

Through the eclipsing of shadow and light, know that you are supported and blessed.

Moon Attributes

  • Astrology: Scorpio Sun, Artist's Moon, Hunter's Moon

  • Tarot: Strength

  • Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Wheat, Valerian

  • Colors: Brown, Yellow-Green, Yellow

  • Stones: Citrine, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye, Olivine, Amethyst

  • Animals: Snake, Jackal, Sparrow

  • Goddesses: Ceres, Isis, Freya

  • Medicine: Rest after labor, Balance of light & dark, Organize, Clean out Mental/Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Clutter


Full Moon Eclipse Ritual Suggestions
(Extended Version)

  • Make Space: Initiate Release and create beauty at the same time by going through your cupboards, closet, garage etc... and let go of the excess. Spaciousness feels so good and you open yourself up to more internal power and creative life-force.

  • Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day, and longer than 5 if possible. Do what you can). Make sure to get a long and full sleep.

  • Burn It Up. Affirm Your Truth: Write a list of the mental baggage that is happening inside that mind of yours. Beliefs, stories, habits. All that you are done with! Free it up. Give it voice. Let it out! Let it go and burn it (safely) with a candle or campfire or fireplace. Then proceed to ritual below.

  • Eclipsing Earth Connection: Stand or walk on the earth with bare feet. Imagine roots growing down from your feet and/or your womb space to the womb of Mother Gaia. Feel this as an anchoring pillar of light connecting you to the Earth and welcome in the magick of the Moon descending down from above moving through you, as you continue to send the energy deep into the earth to ground you, release stagnant or pent up emotional energy and have you feeling supported and nourished for rebirth.

  • Take Off The Mask:  Feel into any ways that you may be inauthentic with yourself and any masks that you may be wearing that aren't serving the essence of who you are. Draw or paint these out or write them down and then lay to rest any of the false faces that you may be wearing. In this way, the more you peel away the masks that aren't you, the more you can rise into the truth of who you are, right now, and emerge more fully as your radiant self.

  • Empty The Mind. Feel Into Your Dreams:  Give yourself the gift of moving from your head to your heart. It's an auspicious time to FEEL your dreams. Your goals. Your desires. Scorpio is all about feeling. Bring any visuals or ideas about what you'd like to experience for your life into the visceral experience of your body. In this way, you are sending out messages to the universe to magnify these experiences into your life. Take some time to literally experience how your desires and dreams FEEL in your body. This is truly the magick of creating your life.

  • Dream Illumination & Sacred Release Journal: What dreams is your soul illuminating for you at this time? What sacred desires are being called into the light? What visions do you have for yourself? How can you clarify and amplify your dreams? Why are they meaningful and full of purpose? What is between you and your dreams? What is stopping you from living them (focusing on your own patterns, thought forms, behaviors, beliefs)? Burn this paper now for sacred release in a fire or with candles outside in the full moon light. Dance / speak/ move/ sound it out.  After the moon has eclipsed (and you feel more space within you), write down and speak aloud how you now choose to commit and devote yourself to your dreams. How you can take action, receive support and rest into the divine timing of these dreams.

  • Heart Share: Write a letter, make a phone call or speak with a person you need to communicate with for any completions. Express your truth with heart and sincerity.

  • Important Gemstone Reminder: This is NOT a time to place your gemstones or jewels out in the lunar eclipse. Save this for the next full moon.

Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse Blessings to you!

Love, Achintya


After the eclipse, we approach the season of Samhain. I invite you to journey beyond the Veil with myself and priestess sister, Ameya Cohen, for our Black Rose Samhain Mysterium, November 7 - 13.

This 7-Day online Devotional provides a magickal and unique opportunity for you to embody the transformative power of the Dark Goddess and celebrate the Witches New Year.

During this Devotional you will...

  • Honor your Heartaches and Soul truths

  • Peel away your masks and lay your burdens down

  • Banish perceived limitations while reclaiming your power

  • Commune with 3 Rose Goddesses (Ereshkigal, Morgana, and Lilith)

  • Cast spells and weave Magick

  • Enter the New Year with Clarity

~ Doors Close Friday, November 3rd ~



Posted on October 26, 2023 .

Aries Full Harvest Moon


The Aries Harvest Full Moon is exact on Friday, September 29th at 2:58 am PDT.

Warrioress Power and Magick is afoot!

We are living at a time on Earth where there is an acceleration of simultaneous Beauty, Grace, Upheaval and Transformation in both our inner and outer worlds.

With gratitude for all the lessons and gifts from the past season, it is now time to ignite the inner flames of your wild heart’s passion, strength, determination, commitment, ambition and soul beauty. The full moon offers support to release excess baggage and initiate the shifts needed to live your dreams and desires.

Now is an auspicious lunar portal to sever any chains of illusion, burn away disempowering beliefs, spark the remembrance of your truth and rise into new dimensions of trust, creativity, expression, harmonious relating, sovereignty, empowerment and love.

With this Harvest Moon in Aries, the opportunity is here to deepen into your greatest gratitude and light up your Warrioress Within. This is a Moon to both reflect and to amplify. To commune and celebrate. To share honour and reverence. To spark inspiration or (r)evolutionize your life. You may be called to sing, dance or be still. You may be ready to start something new or give death to something in your life.

It may also be the time for you to release anger, rage, frustration or fear in healthy ways, to avoid continued internal tension and external aggression.

The Aries Moon Medicine is also igniting you to take external action as the (R)Evolutionary and Warrioress by contributing your voice, energy, attention, resources (any form of action) to participate in the change you wish to see and Be in the world.

What do you wish to ignite or re-ignite in your life?
What gifts are you reclaiming?
What is ready to be released?
What is being catalyzed within you? How are you called to Revolutionize?

Light up your Warrioress Within! 


Use the power of Fire wisely and it will support you fiercely.

This Full Moon heralds the alignment of the new lunar nodes along the axis of Aries and Libra and ignites a time over the next couple months with the upcoming eclipses where the power of the 'me' (Aries) comes together with the power of the 'we' (Libra).

This is an initiation that invites new territory within your being to incorporate both in your life without sacrifice, yet with attentive presence, creating both completions and inciting evolutionary growth within your personal destiny, that weaves with our collective destiny.

How have you been denying your needs? How can you now honour them?
What relationships have you been neglecting? How can you nourish them?

You are invited to feel and embody the power of polarity, reflected to us from the skies! This is the sacred marriage of merging of the Sun in Libra (solar feminine ruled by Venus) and the Moon in Aries (masculine yet lunar warrior).

The awareness of embodying both your inner Sacred Feminine and inner Sacred Masculine stimulates needed Awakening, Remembrance and Reclamation for us all!

Harvest Moon Attributes

  • Astrology: Artist's Moon, closest full moon to autumnal equinox

  • Tarot: Strength

  • Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Wheat, Valerian

  • Colors: Brown, Yellow-Green, Yellow

  • Stones: Citrine, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye, Olivine, Amethyst

  • Animals: Snake, Jackal, Sparrow

  • Goddesses: Ceres, Isis, Freya

  • Medicine: Rest after labor, Mabon, Autumn Equinox, Balance of light & dark, Organize, Clean out Mental/Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Clutter


I welcome you to include the Invocation & Playlist below into your
Full Moon Rituals!




  • Gratitude Harvest Altar & Release: Gather fruits and vegetables. Flowers and grains. Create an altar of abundance, representing all you are in gratitude of. List all the things you are grateful for in your life from this year so far and place this in the moonlight (outside or window) to attract more experiences to be grateful for. Write down all the things you are ready to release, change or shift and either bury them, burn them or offer them to a body of water.

  • Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams tonight and through the weekend. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

  • Make Space: Time to go through your cupboards, closet, garage etc... and let go of the excess. Spaciousness feels so good and you open yourself up to more internal power and creative life-force.

  • Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day, and longer than 5 if possible. Do what you can). Make sure to get a long and full sleep.

  • Tea Medicine: Drinking Tulsi & Gotu Kola herbal tea will soothe your nerves and calm your spirit. This also allows you to open up to magical and bountiful blessings being offered.

  • Earthing Creativity: Illuminate your dreams and get into your body! Create a vision board or a painting or dance or write in your journal all that you are bringing with you into the next season ahead. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing out loud.

  • Moon Bathe: Get into the magic of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul-stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions and dreams that you see for yourself and for the planet.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective. (See invitation below).

Full Moon rituals can be done the eve.day before, of , and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magickal time.

With Full Moon Power, Achintya

Copyright Achintya Devi & Goddess Rising Mystery School

Heka of The Hathors
January 2 - 14, 2024

Only 3 Spaces Left ~ Apply by Oct 1

I lovingly welcome you to our 7th Annual Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage. With reverence and devotion, we will enter Kemet’s Portal of Living Wisdom and liminal realms to initiate the 2024 New Year where the eternal Key of Life is ready to nourish your Soul's Embodiment.

The Holy Lands, Nile Waters and Sands of Time will shower you in starlight, sacred remembrances, soul stirring messages, and divine activations to empower your greatest awakening and the Legacy of our Collective Earthwalk.

♡ 3 Spaces Left ♡
Apply by Oct 1

Since traveling to Egypt is a great investment of time and resources, our opulent pilgrimage features 5-Star accommodations, 5 Private Access visits to prominent sacred sites, and 6 nights aboard our private 5 Star Egyptian Dahabiya Nile Cruise.


The Sphinx of Giza

The Great Pyramid

The Temple of Isis, Philae

The Temple of Hathor, Denderah

Karnak Temple & Sekhmet’s Sanctuary, Luxor

This pilgrimage is offered for you to deepen and expand on your Soul Path. It is an Alchemical Initiation will amplify your oracular and healing gifts, activate your DNA, and catalyze the evolution of your Divine Sovereignty, Leadership, and Priestess Power.

This will be my last Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage for the foreseeable future and I deeply look forward to the magick, mysteries, miracles and memories that we will share together!

If you have any questions about our Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage, please email connect@goddessrising.org

Posted on September 26, 2023 .

Mabon ~ Autumn Equinox Wisdom & Rituals


Photo from our Avalon Priestess Pilgrimage 2019 on Equinox at Stonehenge by Melissa Robin


This Autumn Equinox / Mabon in the Northern Hemisphere (and Spring Equinox Ostara in the Southern Hemisphere) is exact on September 22nd at 11:50 pm PDT / September 23 at 2:50 am EDT.

Blessings be to you! The High Holy Day of Mabon, or Autumn Equinox, occurs when the Sun reaches the half-way point of its journey through the zodiac in the sign of Libra. Day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun.

Upon the Wheel of the Year, this marks the turning towards shorter days, less light, longer nights and more darkness. It is here, at this sacred meeting of equal day and night in both hemispheres, we enter a portal of uniting the solar mysteries and lunar mysteries to embody balance and harmony. Through the alchemical marriage of polarities, we can open to possibilities beyond the binary and experience the energy of the Trinity coding that is a part of our New Earth Template.

Mabon is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, celebrate the Harvest, and pay respects to the Spirit World. The Goddess is radiant, abundant and glorious as the Harvest Queen of Apples. We offer our thanks and honour to her as she moves from Mother to Crone.

We give honour to the Green Man as King for the fortitude of the Sun, as we now reap the gifts and abundance, prosperity and fruitful ways of being. As the God of Summer, he now 'dies', offering His pure gifts of love and devotion, along with the generous cutting of the last grain to sustain all of life.

Equinox is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships, and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether physically, emotionally, mentally or all the above).

Video from our Avalon Priestess Pilgrimage during Equinox 2019. Filmed by Melissa Robin. Original song by Venetia Pristavec.

Now is a powerful moment to honour the light and the shadow within, the human part of you and the spirit part of you, the masculine and the feminine. For, to live fully Whole and integrated, we must embody both polarities. This is the power and alchemy of which all creation is based.

The Mabon Harvest is encoded with both joy and grief, bounty and completion, fullness and loss. This is an invitation to experience the full spectrum of emotions as you celebrate and grieve with both sorrow and bliss. All your feelings have deep wisdom and insight for you at this time when you are present with curiosity and acceptance.

This is a time to give reverence for how far and deep you have journeyed this year. Honour your pain, shadow, and challenges. Honour your pleasure, light and triumphs. For every step of your path has led you to this moment now.

May we welcome the power of this Holy Day in our personal lives and as the needed change for the world. May we offer to one another the bounty of love in our hearts, and offer the gifts of respect, kindness, honour, and peace to all those we come across. May we do what we can to contribute our energy in gratitude to the Earth, to the Spirit World and to all of humanity.


Symbolism and Attributes

The Second Harvest, The Mysteries, Equality, and Balance.

  • Symbols: Wine, cornucopia, gourds, vines, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, dried seeds, and horns of plenty.

  • Herbs: Acorn, ferns, grains, myrrh, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, passionflower, rose, sage, Solomon's seal, tobacco, benzoin, and thistle.

  • Foods: Bread, nuts, apples, pomegranates, squash, potatoes, carrots, and onions.

  • Scents: Benzoin, Myrrh, Sage

  • Colours: Red, Orange, Maroon, Rust, Brown, Gold

  • Goddesses: Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods: Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man.

  • Stones: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Yellow Agate


Ritual Suggestions

  • Earth Connection: Place your hands and bare feet or entire body on the Earth to receive the imprint of Gaia’s frequencies of Balance, Integration and Harmony. Breathe deeply and commune with these specific vibrations to welcome in the power of this Holy Day and Night, Balance Light and Dark to nourish and support you. Offer gratitude and any intentions for the next quarter of the year.

  • Cornucopia Altar of Gratitude: Gather and harvest from the land with reverence and create an altar space for honouring the bounty. Add pictures, crystals, symbols and writings of your gratitude. Speak and share your prayers of thanksgiving.

  • Activities: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds, and seed pods, walking in the forest, scattering your offerings in harvested fields, offering libations & elixirs to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

  • Magick: Rituals and spells of protection, prosperity, harmony, balance, equality, gratitude, security, and self-confidence.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now is a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

With Blessings & Love,

Copyright Achintya Devi & Goddess Rising Mystery School

Heka of The Hathors
January 2 - 14, 2024

Only 3 Spaces Left ~ Apply by Oct 1

I lovingly welcome you to our 7th Annual Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage. With reverence and devotion, we will enter Kemet’s Portal of Living Wisdom and liminal realms to initiate the 2024 New Year where the eternal Key of Life is ready to nourish your Soul's Embodiment.

The Holy Lands, Nile Waters and Sands of Time will shower you in starlight, sacred remembrances, soul stirring messages, and divine activations to empower your greatest awakening and the Legacy of our Collective Earthwalk.

♡ 3 Spaces Left ♡
Apply by Oct 1

Since traveling to Egypt is a great investment of time and resources, our opulent pilgrimage features 5-Star accommodations, 5 Private Access visits to prominent sacred sites, and 6 nights aboard our private 5 Star Egyptian Dahabiya Nile Cruise.


The Sphinx of Giza

The Great Pyramid

The Temple of Isis, Philae

The Temple of Hathor, Denderah

Karnak Temple & Sekhmet’s Sanctuary, Luxor

This pilgrimage is offered for you to deepen and expand on your Soul Path. It is an Alchemical Initiation will amplify your oracular and healing gifts, activate your DNA, and catalyze the evolution of your Divine Sovereignty, Leadership, and Priestess Power.

This will be my last Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage for the foreseeable future and I deeply look forward to the magick, mysteries, miracles and memories that we will share together!

If you have any questions about our Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage, please email connect@goddessrising.org

Posted on September 19, 2023 .

Blue Moon in Pisces

The Pisces Full Corn Moon is exact on August 30 at 6:35pm PDT. It is also a Super Blue Moon conjunct Saturn!

With this Blue Moon in Pisces (second full moon of August), in the final sign of the zodiac, we are able to reap the the joys, lessons, insight, and experience from all the previous signs and implement their teachings by seeing through the lens of ‘being in many worlds at once’.

The symbol for Pisces, with one fish swimming downstream and another swimming upstream, is an invitation to enter into the power of integrating duality, incorporating both the inner and the outer realms, the light and the dark, the highs and the lows and to activate the wisdom of polarity (like 2 magnets coming together in their opposite nature), to create something anew / the trinity codes of potential / a “third door” of possibility.

With the Sun in Virgo (Virgin / High Priestess / Queen), and the Moon in Pisces, this is a Seeress / Priestess Moon to activate and ground your visions and dreams. For one and for All. This is a powerful opportunity for us to consciously beam our unified prayers to Bless each other and All Sentient Beings in this specific timeline in the era of the Great Shift.

With Saturn conjunct this Super Full Moon, you may feel more responsible for loved ones and family members, both physically and emotionally, from now and until the New Moon. This is also a time of being responsible for you own emotional truth, including learning from past mistakes and how you can create a reset and new season of your life.

Beloved One, you are a child of the infinite God dess. Your very presence on Earth here and your emotional intelligence holds great keys for our collective awakening. At this mystical full moon time, you are able to harness the power of your shadow, your light, and the rainbow spectrum in between to amplify your intuitive knowing and inner guidance for taking authentic action on your path.

As your nervous system is heightened, please give great care to your sacred body temple. Drink lots of water. Get into water and Be in Nature if possible. Be present with your breath and the rhythm of your sleep patterns. Rest and exercise. Meditate. Be in the morning stillness to recall your dreams, as there deep insight is there for you. Breathe deeply and check in with your inner voice when if you are needing to make major choices. Accept. Surrender. Release. Celebrate.

This is also known as the Corn Moon.

Corn Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Empress

  • Herbs: Chamomile, St. John’s wort, Fennel, Rue

  • Colors: Yellow, Gold

  • Stones: Tiger's Eye, Carnelian, Red Jasper,  

  • Animals: Lioness, Phoenix, Hawk

  • Goddesses: Gaia, Demeter, Corn Mother

  • Medicine: Gathering, Gratitude, Health & Wellness, Friendships, Bounty, Motherhood


Ritual Suggestions

  • Dreaming Moon Water: Place a bowl of water in the full moon (preferable outside & spring water if possible) and welcome the shining moon light to infuse the water with the wisdom and power of pisces energy (dreamy, intuitive, mystical, imaginative). Keep in the moonlight for at least an hour, or overnight if you wish. Then drink as a sacrament, offer to the earth and to others.

  • Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams during the 3 day Full Moon window. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

  • Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day), so you can attune to the subtle layers of all that shifting within you. Be sure to get a long and full sleep.

  • Tea Medicine: Drinking Tulsi & Gotu Kola herbal tea will soothe your nerves and calm your spirit. This also allows you to open up to magical and bountiful blessings being offered.

  • Earthing Creativity: Illuminate your dreams and get into your body! Create a vision board or a painting, dance or write in your journal all that you are celebrating and releasing. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing out loud.

  • Moon Bathe: Get into the magick of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul-stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the prayers, visions and dreams that you see for yourself and the planet.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective. (See invitation below).


Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magickal time.

With Lunar Love, Achintya

Access our Lunar Playlists and Enjoy!

Heka of The Hathors
January 2 - 14, 2024
Apply by August 31st

I lovingly welcome you to our 7th Annual Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage. With reverence and devotion, we will enter Kemet’s Portal of Living Wisdom and liminal realms to initiate the 2024 New Year where the eternal Key of Life is ready to nourish your Soul's Embodiment.

The Holy Lands, Nile Waters and Sands of Time will shower you in starlight, sacred remembrances, soul stirring messages, and divine activations to empower your greatest awakening and the Legacy of our Collective Earthwalk.

♡ Limited to 13 Sisters Spaces ♡
Please Apply by August 31

Registration is on a first come, first served basis with priority given to current students and alumni.

I have lovingly crafted an opulent Path of the Initiate sojourn that I believe is coded within your destiny. Since traveling to Egypt is a magnificent investment of time and resources, our opulent pilgrimage features 5-Star accommodations, 5 Private Access visits to prominent sacred sites, and 6 nights aboard our private 5 Star Egyptian Dahabiya Nile Cruise.

This pilgrimage is offered for you to deepen and expand on your path of Soul Path. It is an Alchemical Initiation will amplify your oracular and healing gifts, activate your DNA, and catalyze the evolution of your Divine Sovereignty, Leadership, and Priestess Power.

This will be my last Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage for the foreseeable future and I deeply look forward to the magick, mysteries, miracles and memories that we will share together!

If you have any questions about our Egypt Priestess Pilgrimage,
please email

I welcome you to join me for…

The Many Faces of Mary Magdalene:
A Free 2-Day Online Gathering of Sacred Wisdom

September 9 & 10

Over the past 2,000+ years, Mary Magdalene has been associated with various archetypes that resonate with individuals seeking personal growth and spiritual development. 

I’m honored to be among 20 Magdalene emissaries and teachers — including Her Holiness Jagadguru Sathya Sai Maa, Flo Aeveia Magdalena, Dr. Sue Morter, Nasrin Safai Foster, Diana DuBrow, Aja Solé Shah, and many others.

As a collective, we will share ways to embody this sacred knowledge so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from these quintessential teachings reaching across time. 

Throughout this landmark online gathering, you’ll receive gems of wisdom from modern-day Magdalene scholars and priestesses, and also receive experiential practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion you carry within your own heart and mind — by helping you access your inner frequencies of the Divine Feminine.

Posted on August 28, 2023 .