Full Moon in Aquarius + Lunar Lughnasadh

Blessed Lunar Lughnasadh. The Full Moon in Aquarius is exact at 11:32am PDT. This is also known as the Corn Moon, as it is the first full moon of the harvest season.

This Lunar High Holy Day on the Wheel of the Year, honoured in our Rose and Moon Priestess Lineage, is halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox and is a sacred Harvest Festival of Gratitude and Abundance. It is at this time that the codes of the Great Mother-Father, Lioness, King-Queen, Activist and Water Bearer are wishing to reveal themselves through you.

As Aquarius is the only fixed Air sign in the zodiac, devoted to authenticity and stability, this Full Moon illuminates creative solutions and inspired action towards humanitarian endeavors through sacred service, leadership, projects and offerings. The Aquarian Moon offers the Blessings for you to speak your truth and to let go of distortions or archaic imprinting and destructive habits that limit you from manifesting and living your greatest visions and purpose.

As sound travels upon air waves, the Aquarius Air Moon energy can be utilized in your life and leadership to release and manifest through sacred intention, sound and communication. This can further bring forth new relationships and ideas with networking, group movements and collaborations.

The Aquarian Moon energy is intelligent, innovative, revolutionary, open-minded and starry-eyed, and offers the exploration of new ideas and revolutionary thinking to create worlds and paradigms of new possibilities.

Corn Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Empress

  • Herbs: Chamomile, St. John’s wort, Fennel, Rue

  • Colors: Yellow, Gold

  • Stones: Tiger's Eye, Carnelian, Red Jasper,  

  • Animals: Lioness, Phoenix, Hawk

  • Goddesses: Gaia, Demeter, Corn Mother

  • Medicine: Gathering, Gratitude, Health & Wellness, Friendships, Bounty, Motherhood

Aquarius Full Moon Ritual Suggestions:

  • Water Bearer Gratitude: List all the things you are grateful for in your life from this year in how you serve and share your gifts (truly acknowledge yourself), place this in the moonlight (outside or window) to attract more experiences to be grateful for. Then, write down all the things you are ready to release and either burn them or offer them to a body of water.

  • Empress Dance: Put on music you love and offer your heart through dance in devotion to how you wish to serve and express your gifts in the world.

  • Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams and visions in the full moon. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

  • Water Bearer Moon Bathe: Get into the magick of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions that you see for yourself and for the planet.

  • Gem Stone Activation Meditation: Place any of the above gemstones (after they have been charged in the moonlight) or ones you are currently working with, on your brow point/third eye either during the full moon or in the sun light to activate your visionary center of intuition and receive the messages that you are ready for. Breathe fully and deeply as you lie down and relax.

  • Journal Questions: What is a Queen? How does she serve? How can I embody the Archetype of Empress or Queen in my own life? What is a Water Bearer? How am I that? What am I ready to release so that I can serve, express and live more fully? What gifts am I ready to shine?

  • Remember: Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Visionary Water Bearer' breakfast the next morning.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, day of and day after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magickal time.

Love, Achintya

Additional Attributes shared from D.J. Conway



Enjoy many of my Spotify Playlists that carry the Lunar Frequencies as you release, dance, move, and ground.

Posted on July 31, 2023 .

Full Moon in Capricorn

Photo of Achintya Devi by Sophia Billikopft

The Full Moon in Capricorn is exact on July 3rd at 4:38am PDT.

Full Moon in Capricorn is a time for celebrating your accomplishments in life and leadership. It further highlights where any shifts are needed in career or with the organization of your business and practical undertakings and investments. This is an important time to illuminate the spiritual connection of success in the world.

Ambitious, conservative and practical Capricorn gets down to business and focuses on long-term goals. You may experience an increased desire for professional success, along with more seriousness and grounding. Capricorn has a determination that provides patience, discipline, and persistence to achieve desired goals.

This powerful Full Moon amplifies your capacity to experience joy, pleasure and love in your body as sacred medicine. You are being invited now to do what makes you feel good without shame or guilt. The moon's energy supports you to shed self-imposed limitations and unleash your inner wild self! The earthy power of Capricorn magnetizes your creative passion and welcomes you to delight in the pleasures of all your senses!

This Capricorn Moon portal also reflects to us the need to make important choices in our lives in order to bring deep dreams and desires forward (for the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet). If you have been on the fence about something, this moon can bring clarity. Your body holds the wisdom and guidance for all your answers. Listen within and move in the direction that feels good in your heart, womb space and intuition.

This Moon is also known as the Blessing Moon or the Full Buck Moon.

And, it is Guru Purnima, a tradition dedicated to honouring spiritual and academic Teachers / Gurus, who are evolved or enlightened humans, bringing sacred service to Humanity. The word Guru is derived from Sanskrit and means “dispeller of Darkness.”

Blessing Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Emperor

  • Herbs: Honeysuckle, Lemon Balm, Jasmine

  • Colors: Green, Ocean Blues, Coral

  • Stones: Ocean Jasper, Lepidolite, Aquamarine

  • Animals: Crab, Turtle, Dolphin, Whale

  • Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Sulis, Nephthys

  • Medicine: Peak of Summer; Relaxed energy; Preparation; Dream-work; Lughnasadh

Ritual Suggestions

  • Earth Connection: Walk on the earth with bare feet. Imagine roots growing down from your feet or your womb space to the womb of Mother Gaia. Feel this an anchoring rod of light connecting you to the Earth and welcome in the magic of the Moon descend down from above you as you continue to send the energy deep into the earth to ground your dreams and affirmation and keep your body temple feeling supported and nourished.

  • Guru Purnima Gratitude Blessing: Throughout the day and night continually say out loud what you are grateful for about from the people in your life you consider your gurus / teachers, those you have learned from, who have empowered you and, If it's a person, reach out and tell them in a message or a phone call. If they are animals or angels or guides in the unseen realms, speak your gratitude out loud, or sing or write it down.

  • Take Stock & Take Action: In your journal, write down 1-3 emotional needs and desires that are not being met. Then list why this is so. Make sure you turn the answer inward and don't point the finger to the outside or at someone else. This is powerful. Take your time with this one. There may be massive insight and healing in this alone. Then for each need/desire, write down one way you can activate these to come to fruition. Make a commitment to apply at least one of these in the next 72 hours. And the others within this lunar cycle.

  • Creative Activation: Take a piece of paper and list 5-10 desires you have. Place this sacred paper under the moonlight (either outside or by a window). Create an altar with this by adding symbols (of things you already have/cuttings from a magazine, etc) that represent these desires. Get creative. Then burn sage or incense around you to purify yourself and symbolically remove any ways of being that prevent you from experiencing these desires (insight from first ritual may come into play here). Sing or chant any mantras or songs that you feel connected to, to bring these soul desires to life!

  • Remember: Put out your gemstones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Wild Moon Love, Achintya



Enjoy many of my Spotify Playlists that carry the Lunar Frequencies as you release, dance, move, and ground.

*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway

Posted on July 2, 2023 .


Photo of Achintya Devi by Sophia Billikopft

Blessed Solstice! The Sun moves into Cancer at 7:58 am PDT on June 21st to open this powerful Solar Gate. This year this is ALSO the Venus-Moon conjunction with Evening Star Venus rising to focalize at the Crown Chakra. This is a time of Coronation!

We are also honouring Juneteenth, a national holiday in the US, commemorating the end of slavery! Blessed Emanicipation Day!!

Solstice comes from the Latin term solstitium, “meaning sun stands still”, as it appears to do just that for a few days. In the northern hemisphere, we celebrate Summer Solstice with the longest hours of daylight and the sun at its highest point, while those of us in the southern hemisphere celebrate Winter Solstice with the longest hours of darkness and the sun at its lowest point. United, we hold the both the light and the dark and the full spectrum in between. 

The Solstice portal is open 3 days before and after this Holy Sabbat of purification, exaltation and celebration.

Honour the potent Solstice energy with joy as we embrace the Wild Sacred Light of the Sun itself, the Light within all Beings and the Love that shines within us, that is who we truly are. This is also a time for you to celebrate for all that is ripe in your life, whether this is related to an attitude of gratitude, completing a job well done or for embodying empowering qualities.

In this 26,000 cycle turning of the Ages, the Solstice Cancer Sun has been rising at the intersection of where the Ecliptic (plane of the solar system) crosses the Milky Way (plane of the galaxy) in the middle of what is called the Sacred Hoop of Stars (Rigel, Capella, the Pleiades, Sirius, Pollux, Castor,and Procyon) since 1962 and will continue to until 2030. This is also known as the Silver or Cancer Gate where souls pass through to incarnate, signifying a great shift in our human consciousness.

During this Solstice portal, welcome the Sun’s rays to penetrate your every cell, for indeed you are being asked to hold the Mantle of Truth, Wisdom and Love as a multi-dimensional being. One is who is made of Star Dust and Sun Light.

At this time of Illumination, may you remember that your inner fires are here to support you in moving through any fears that keep you from your truth. You are being ushered into the next activation of your incarnation as both spirit and matter, which is the power and Blessing of Light itself. Orientate yourself towards the Sun to make clear and honest choices about your greatest dreams, to shed limited beliefs and unworthiness, and bask in the magnificence of these powerful Light Codes.

Blessed Be for all that is being illuminated and amplified at this Holy time of Embodied Awakening!

Do you live in the Southern Hemisphere and are celebrating Winter Solstice?

I offer you this REKINDLE Winter Solstice Ritual that was recorded live on location along the Nile River in Egypt.


Summer Solstice Ritual Suggestions

  • Rise to Greet the Sun: Greet the Sun for Sunrise on the longest day of the year as an act of exalted devotion to the Full Light of your Awareness. If in the southern hemisphere, greet the Sunset to honour the shortest day or Light and Rebirth of another cycle.

  • Gratitude Speak: Speak aloud or write in your journal 20 things you are grateful for. If writing, place in the sunlight for amplification. This practice brings to light more experiences for you to be grateful for.

  • Honey Medicine: Eat a spoonful of golden honey in the sunlight, taste the sweetness of all of your life's blessings and recent accomplishments while feeling into trust, that all be provided for, for your life's dreams.

  • Elemental Fire Divination: Sunbathe, create a bonfire or light candles in you home to activate the wild and sacred medicine of Fire / the Sun and let the warmth of the rays and flames seep into your cells. Let the mind go and gaze into light to receive guidance and messaged available only at this time.

  • Solar Water: Place water in the Solstice Sun and let the solar codes infuse it for 20 minutes to 2 hours. Then drink in with celebration and honour. You may wish to keep in the fridge for a few days to come to keep ingesting this powerful solar elixir of nourishment.

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

JUNE 21, 2023

Join in our Live Ceremony (or replay), to evoke the Astrological, Elemental, Mythological and Archetypal Wisdom of Summer Solstice and deepen with an Invocation and embodied Litha Rite.

Welcome healing light into your body and spirit, amplify your radiance, and allow your sacred desires to flourish.



Posted on June 18, 2023 .

Rose Full Moon in Sagittarius

Photo by Mariana Shulze of Achintya & Ameya

The Rose Full Moon in Sagittarius takes place on June 3rd at 8:42pm PDT.

This Sagittarius Full Moon is vibrating with potent energy and is significant for your personal dreams and our collectively destiny. The Great Moon Goddess invites you to feel into your deepest dreams and ideals (the target), by activating your devotional embodiment practices (the arrow), held with the wisdom and truth in your heart (the bow). 

This Sagittarius Moon is called the Strawberry, Rose, Honey or Mead Moon varying in names from different traditions.

Making clear choices and moving towards your greatest dreams is being illuminated right now. The blue flame of the Sagittarius Moon invites you into deeper Presence so that you can explore important pathways/options/choices to support your life’s direction from your intuitive guidance. Be open to receive.  

This is a time of celebrating all that is blossoming and fruiting in your life, for completing current initiations and for embodying uplifting qualities, symbolized by the Rose / Strawberry / Honey Moon. Therefore, it is important to honour yourself in some way, amplify delight, and celebrate the gift of life.

Rose / Strawberry / Honey Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Moon

  • Herbs: Meadowsweet, Vervain, Parsley, Skullcap

  • Colors: Orange, Pink, Golden-green

  • Stones: Topaz, Agate, Fluorite, Pearl

  • Animals: Honey Bee, Butterfly, Frog, Peacock

  • Goddesses: Butterfly Maiden, Cerridwen, Ishtar

  • Medicine: Contentment, Celebration, Litha/Summer Solstice, Portal of light, Decision making, Strengthen and reward positive qualities of oneself


Ritual Suggestions

  • Gratitude Speak: Speak aloud to the Full Moon, or write in your journal 11 things you are grateful for. If writing, place in the moonlight overnight. This practice brings to light more experiences for you to be grateful for. 

  • Strawberry Honey Medicine: Eat strawberries or a spoonful of honey in the moonlight, taste the sweetness of all of your life's blessings and recent accomplishments while feeling into trust, that all be provided for, for your life's dreams.

  • Dream Illumination & Sacred Release Journal: What dreams is your soul illuminating for you at this time? What sacred desires are being called into the light? What visions do you have for yourself? How can you clarify and define your dreams? Why are they meaningful and full of purpose? What is between you and your dreams? What is stopping you from living them (focusing on your own patterns, thought forms, behaviors, beliefs)? Burn this paper now for sacred release in a fire or with candles outside in the full moon light. Dance / speak/ move/ sound it out. After this and you feel more space within you, write down and speak aloud to the moon how you now choose to commit and devote yourself to your dreams. How you can take action, receive support and rest into the divine timing of these dreams.

  • Devotional Heart: How does your heart want to be expressed/nurtured at this time? What embodiment practices inspire you right now? Dance, yoga, walking, chi gong, archery? Activities that bring you out of your mind and into your body are where it's at when done with the intention of celebrating and honouring yourself and your growing dreams. Trying doing them in the moonlight.

  • Elemental Nourishment: Sagittarius Moon is an ideal time for you to get in the Natural World and the Elements. Visit your favorite tree, park, river, ocean or lake etc... Let the wild and sacred medicine of nature seep into your body and your breath. Let the mind go and rest into Earth and practice the art of spaciousness by simply Being. 

  • Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

  • Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Share with us what's coming forward for you at this Full Moon time in our Goddess Rising Facebook Group What are you grateful for? What blessings are you counting? What embodiment practices are you incorporating into your life at this time?


June 21st at 1pm PDT

Join us in our Wheel of The Year Temple for the upcoming Litha Sabbat Ceremony either Live or with the Recording.

With the sun reaching its zenith and longest hours of daylight, we come to the pinnacle of Midsummer on the Wheel of the Year.

With the Solar Gods and Goddesses of Litha, you are invited to balance fire and water in your life, welcome healing light into your body and spirit, amplify your radiance, and allow your sacred desires to flourish.

Begin with our Seasonal Altar Creation & Spell Guide and Playlist. Then join in our Live Ceremony (or replay), to evoke the Astrological, Elemental, Mythological and Archetypal Wisdom of Summer Solstice and deepen with an Invocation and embodied Litha Rite.

Join us as we evoke Solar Magick together!

Posted on June 1, 2023 .

Beltane ~ Full Scorpio Flower Moon & Lunar Eclipse

Solar Beltane is this Friday May 5th at 11:19 am PDT. The Lunar Eclipse also takes place on May 5th at 10:22am PDT, and the exact Full Moon, which is Lunar Beltane is at 10:34am PDT in Scorpio, also known as the Flower Moon.

The celebrations of Beltane commenced on May 1, which is honoured as calendar Beltane and we will experience true Beltane when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Taurus on May 5th. This coincides with Lunar Beltane this year and the completion of the eclipse portal with the Full Moon in Scorpio.

Can you feel the shifting of energies within?

Can you sense an amplification of your sixth sense, a feeling of between the worlds?

Perhaps you've touched emotional depths this week that feel tender and/or powerful.

A potent activation on the spiral of life is happening and continues to build with the light of the moon. With the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon, this is a time of celebrating your fertile dreams and honouring your sensual nature. It is a time to allow for what is presently stirring in the inner realms of your Being.

And, as it’s a penumbral lunar eclipse, it is a potent time of ending, transformation and releasing of deep emotions. Hidden treasures and tribulations connected to destiny, courage, sensuality and sexuality are illuminated. Through shadow and light, this can reveal some of your greatest powers and also wounds for revelation, healing and empowerment.

With the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon, this is a time of celebrating your fertile dreams, honouring your erotic nature, and releasing deep emotions. Hidden treasures and tribulations connected to sensuality and sexuality are illuminated. Through shadow and light, this can reveal your greatest womb power and womb wounds for revelation, healing and empowerment!

This Full Moon activates an opening for you to reclaim your sensual and sexual power and to amplify your pleasure, worth and sovereignty. To rise in your truth and come home to the precious inner sanctum of your Womb Temple, the seat of your feminine power. You hold dominion here. No one else. 

Gratitude, Self-Love and Pleasure Rituals to nourish your body are especially important right now that invite deeper layers of excavation, emotion, exploration & embodiment of your erotic innocence and sexual expression. We are in a potent crucible to release guilt and shame within our womb spaces, reconcile wounding and melt the tension of our global feminine cramp! 

Great healing and reprogramming can come by delighting in passionate communion (with self or other) and honouring the gift of your sacred sensuality. Pleasure is your birthright. It is the power of Creation itself!  

This Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon in Buddhist Tradition. It was the Full moon in May that the Buddha was born, later experienced enlightenment and then finally passed on from the body (YES, all on the Full Moon of May). It is said that it is during this time that we have the blessing and opportunity of Great Awakening. And so it is.


Flower Moon Attributes

  • Tarot: The Lovers

  • Herbs: Elder, Mint, Rose, Mugwort, Thyme

  • Colors: Green, Brown, Pink

  • Stones: Emerald, Malachite, Amber, Carnelian, Moonstone

  • Animals: Cats, Lynx, Leopard, Swan, Dove

  • Goddesses: Maia, Venus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Astarte

  • Moon Medicine: Creation, Love, Intuition, Divine Connection, Connection with Nature, Sexuality, Sensuality Beltane

Beltane Eclipse Ritual Suggestions

  • Beltane Fire Ritual: Get into Nature. Take off your shoes. Breathe in the air and remember that your cycles mimic Hers. Give any of your limiting beliefs, fears and completions to the Fire (either by building one, or with candles). With movement and voice, write them down and burn them. This is an act of purification and activation and a releasing of any heavy weight or burdens you may be carrying, ready to be transformed. Anchor into the felt sense of Trust an inner knowing within you by consciously focalizing on your breath. Add movement, dance or sound if you feel inspired.

  • Make Love to Life: Whether this means literally making love with intentional celebration of your creative forces and pleasure, or metaphorically, this is time to put your hearts desires into motion. Especially just after the eclipse… Dance. Paint. Sing. Play music. Weave. Craft. Be on the Earth.

  • Beltane Moon Elixir: Combine mint / rose / tulsi / hibiscus / cinnamon tea with honey and you've got a simple and delicious elixir. Drink this during the full moon and sip all that you are grateful for and all that is transforming in your life to support your path.

  • This is NOT a full moon to charge your gem stones: Save this for the next full moon!

  • This is NOT a time for making big decisions or for drastic changes. Let yourself be slow and welcome in Divine Grace coupled with your Inner Compass.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time. Attributes adopted by DJ Conway



May 5th, 1pm PDT

Beltane is one of the 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year and the cross quarter High Holy season between spring equinox and summer solstice. This year the Beltane portal is essentially only one potent day, which is May 5th, as it is simultaneously Lunar and Solar Beltane. Adding to this power, there will also be a Beltane Full Moon in Scorpio Penumbral Lunar Eclipse! Welcoming you to join us for a transformational Ceremony. 

Join us and jump through the sacred Beltane Fires of passion, joy, sexual fertility, transformation and magick!

Posted on May 2, 2023 .